SG Standard

The film that I want to take with my first pick in the complex draft isn't on the list. I call shenanigans!

Email sent! I had some trouble sending it so let me know if it didn't go through.

Which season was better and why?

Ah, who am I kidding? I can find a way to make it work whenever.

I'm in! I won't be back in the us with reliable internet until Monday night, though.

What is there is a film opening in the first couple weeks of January that I want? Can I just make my pick now and get it and call that the first overall draft pick? Hypothetically, of course.

Oh thank god. I mean, booooooo, but it least it isn't astonishingly horrible.

I agree with tere here. A lot of the length comes from explaining the scoring system, which is something only the scorekeeper really needs to know. At a basic level, all people need to know is that they want to draft a film that will open big, a film that will have long legs, a critically acclaimed film, a film that



I like it. I like it a lot. The scores and bonuses look like they are evenly distributed so no one category is totally OP. I guess the only questions I have are who wants in and when do we draft?

Oh, one more thing-are we defining films as theatrical releases or would a Netflix original count? I know you wouldn't want one for the blockbuster slot, but if Adam Sandler has a new Netflix film coming out it could make for a good flop.

That's incredible. Professor Cligoris would be proud.

That's amazing.

I'm officially off the fence. Getting caught up as fast as possible is my New Years resolution. I haven't been against watching it at all, I've just been lazy.

Oh! So the waiver wire.

Somebody just described Crazy Ex Girlfriend to me as "if every episode of Community was a musical". Is this accurate?

Because it is called Tits 'n' Dragons, duh.

Woo hoo!

Because we are bad people. The kind who think Brett Ratner is a cinematic genius.