SG Standard

Do you think he understands that Obama is still the president?

I'm excited to see what Chazelle can do with the biopic template. Cast Emma Stone and make it a 60s set space musical and I'll be really excited.

That's what the "maybe" is for.

And a new Edgar Wright movie! And Deakins shooting a Villenevue directed Blade Runner film!

Wait, the second season of that came out? I had zero idea.

Maybe next year will be better.

It's cathartic to see a bunch of people where I am start spontaneously dancing to "Faith" and "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" when the DJ just played them as a tribute. It's crushing to think that George Michael was already two deaths ago. I mean, what the fuck, universe?

You were being far too optimistic with those 2:1 odds.

It's the best thing to do.

If I hadn't been rendered speechless a long time ago, I sure as hell would be now. This is unspeakably awful.

Oh my god.

This would be way more complicated, but would there be a way to do it more like a daily fantasy league? Everyone gets a budget, each film gets assigned a value, and we spend our budget on whatever mix of films we want that come out in, say, a given month. Then we repeat the process with the next month's releases. This

I like this combined with option E a lot.

Constantine was the first thing that came to mind, but that isn't my actual answer. Grand Budapest or Michael Clayton, probably.

So for example, the first person would draft Episode 8 and then nobody else can have Episode 8 in their lineup?

So would this work like a season long fantasy football league where each movie can only be owned by a single person, or like a daily fantasy football league where we could all own the same movie and it comes down to who picks the most successful combination?

I think there's a website that hosts stuff like this. I think we did it one summer maybe? And Myles McNutt tweets about one sometimes.

We've gone from fireside chats to whatever the hell this is. Sad!

Your mind powers are getting stronger.
