SG Standard

Not that anything about this bullshit year has ever been funny, but even if it ever had been, it would have stopped being funny a long damn time ago. Rest In Peace.

I'm gonna lose because I left a guy with 32 points on the bench, so I'll deserve it if it happens.

I look forward to seeing you under a new name, but you'll always be Hitler to me (in the best way).

Merry happy Stephen!

This year I'm thankful for all of you!

*raises glass of Old Winyards*

Ooooooh intriguing.

Merry happy to all, and to all a good night!

That was VanDerWerffy all the way down to the structure, which qualifies as the highest of high praise 'round these parts.

That's what a bunch of comment sections told me so you know it's true.

"I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!"

I've changed my mind. I'm no longer interested in seeing it. There's no way context could make this any better.

Happy birthday, Quirky! Consider her praised with the greatest and utmostest praise!

There is a dispiriting lack of "Josh Brolin ordering pancakes" gifs on the internet.

I know this wasn't his goal in tweeting that, but now I'm actually interested.

What an upset!

Yeah. I remember my immediate reaction was "ugh, sorry Donglover, but no chance am I watching this". I believe it underwent some serious revamping between the time it was announced and the time it started filming and that pitch was an enormously simplified version of what he had in mind.

What do you want to start with?