SG Standard

That's probably the responsible decision. Don't start now if you aren't sure that now is the right time. I took eight months off between undergrad and grad school and it worked out fine. I got a part time job and taught myself to cook, a skill which still helps me relieve stress and existential crises to this day.

Tell her we miss her too and we're glad she's doing well!

I would totally play that game. Somewhere there's a universe where PoI became the biggest show in TV history and that game was made.

I guess the Mock Trial with J. Reinhold will be…

That dude should look more enthusiastic. He went to all five dances!

At least it isn't Transportation.

Totally worth the wait.

People who knew Prince telling goofy Prince stories.

Now we've got two people in this administration who can't take a Stunner to save their lives.


I thought it was weird when an episode of SHIELD got pushed back to 2:30 am with no announcement to air a special on child sex trafficking in Atlanta, but now they've pushed the midseason finale to 2:30 am to air an investigative report on the mayor running red lights. My ABC affiliate needs to check itself.

I must be 33 minutes denser because I just got it too.

Classic Oliver.

Me too! He works best when presented with people who have much sunnier dispositions because it puts him totally out of his depth.


I was going to be productive tonight but then I discovered that The Martian and Mad Max: Fury Road were on TV. Those two films have a way of being distracting.

Fucking Disqus.

The difference between my keeper league abilities and my single season league abilities is astonishing.

That was actually my biggest problem with it. More on that when i finally have the time to log in to letterboxd again.

The Man in Black and Dolores arrive at the maze. They open the door, and we get a view of the camera dollying backwards into the maze, as we zoom out on Dolores and Man in Black looking in. Next season, we open with a Scotsman dancing around a room to the Mamas and the Papas.