SG Standard

Excellent! That food looks delicious. I may go there this weekend to help with the post-Thanksgiving comedown.

Ok, I'm interested again.

Huh. Well that's certainly something.

I don't think that's as reassuring as he thinks it is.

This movie keeps sounding better with each new announcement.

The USMNT has taken Gussie's "make the USMNT great again" advice to heart and hired Bruce Arena to be their new manager. That's…a decision, I suppose.

I got very excited and then realized I was way too low in the waiver pecking order. Alas.

Niiiiiiice. Guess I should have stayed up to watch it. Sleep is overrated, anyway.

Ok, so they'd continue doing a disservice to the very idea of journalism.

I definitely should see it, for entertainment purposes alone. I'd have loved to (especially on a big screen), but I was in no state to appreciate it or handle its subject matter. Especially in a theater full of retirees who, demographically speaking, were likely Trump voters. I'll get around to it soon, though.

All the more excuse to spend all their time investigating him. If you aren't allowed in the building, find a different way to report on him. The Washington Post didn't require press briefings to break the Watergate story.

At least he'll get to see this before he goes. We haven't seen cinematography the likes of this in nearly 30 years.

The first Silence trailer is out!

If those networks don't devote inordinate amounts of time to bringing his presidency down they are doing a disservice to the very idea of journalism. Nobody should slow down their Trump investigating just because he won. If anything, it makes it more important to continue.

Bout time.

They report, we decide.

I do and it is. I was excited for that one but it started at 10:45 one night and I was WIPED OUT. But Burt Lancaster vs Nazis in a Frankenheimer directed film is something I need.

It was fantastic. Errol Flynn + Michael Curtiz + swashbucking = outstanding cinema. It's a personal failing that it took me so long to see it.

So about that pop culture I consumed while I was away. The reason I was gone was because I was on the TCM Classic Cruise for the past week. This was my first film festival type thing of any sort and it is probably to blame for my my brain feels totally non-functional right now. I now understand what film critics mean

I was in Orlando this past weekend at Universal Studios, which meant a lot of Harry Potter theme parking and not a lot of actual pop culture. The parks were a blast. It was my first time seeing the Diagon Alley and Hogwarts Express parts and they were so well done. I'm sure this has been said time and time again, but