SG Standard

Cool! Did you get to go do anything Atlanta-y?

Hot. Hot hot hot.

How Was Your Pop Culture Weekend?

That sounds awesome. Emergent events that are related to what occurs in your game as opposed to traits or the RNG sounds like one step closer to CK2 becoming Westworld. CK2world. I want to go there.

You think he'd ask first?

Damn, O'Neal. And to think I used to think of him as little more than the snarky Newswire guy.

You don't?

The Trump Organization has an MMA club?

Be normal?

It's good! It's like Maggot Brain + Michael Jackson + Aquemeni-era Outkast. It's unlike anything that I've heard from Childish Gambino and it is also my favorite thing I've heard from Childish Gambino.

No apologies necessary. I'm just glad that nobody else had to deal with months of fatalistically preparing for the worst, because not even preparing for the worst helped to prepare me for the worst. So basically all I got out of it was the chance to mentally live in the Trump administration for a few extra months.

That might crack the "top ten most catastrophic things to happen this year" list. In which case, I say bring it on.

How about they vote for the candidate who also agrees that terrorism is bad but doesn't think that you have to admire Hitler and Putin to do so? And who also had a hand in killing bin Laden?

There's not even anything to argue in a statement like that. If Michael Shannon says that to you, it's a fact.

Michael Shannon is a wise man.

The odds are better than average, true.

It's a Fox News personality. When have "facts" or "written words" ever mattered to them?

This isn't the worst part, but it still sucks. One of the big benefits to him losing would have been seeing him get humbled. Fuck this.


It is staggering to think that he's collaborating with Russians and Nazis, the two biggest boogeymen of 20th century US foreign policy, and still got elected. What happened to all these fascist/Commie haters that lived through the Cold War?