SG Standard

He's gonna have a presidential library. And a place in the Hall of Presidents.

Stable when I'm distracted enough to not think about it, scared shitless when I'm not distracted. I just listened to the Galavant soundtrack, so that at least helped temporarily.


If that happens the alt-right should drop the alt.

Oh yay! Yesterday wasn't a total wash then.

In that case I'm glad that 2016 hasn't taken Jeff Goldblum from us.

As ever, Bowie was ahead of his time.


It isn't hopeful at all. It just feels like there's been so much bad that we are owed some good. Yeah yeah, gambler's fallacy, I know, but COME ON. Karma owes us Vulcans.

The intro to this combined with the anecdote digi posted below sums up why Republicans are better at politics than Democrats. Democrats hate each other and try to make nice with Republicans. Republicans hate everybody who isn't a Republican and don't care to make nice with anybody.

You'd think after all the bad shit we'd be building to something good. Like, first contact with the Vulcans or something. I'd say we've at least earned that.

I'm ready for this year month week day to end.

Arrow didn't end on the best of notes last year but this season has been a return to form.

I'm still not sure which alleged rapist Loki was referring to.

It's gonna be the Nixon White House all over again and we've found our Haldeman.

This kid is the living embodiment of why the Democrats can't have nice things.

Just another bit of horror to pile on top of everything else.

SPOILER! There are skulls.

Warp 10 is a dangerous place.