SG Standard

That's not entirely surprising, to be honest. If there's one group of people that hate illegal immigrants more than Trump, its legal immigrants. I used to date a girl who's dad was a legal immigrant and he virulently disliked the idea that someone could enter and stay in the country without going through everything he

They voted for him to "make sure the Supreme Court stays in the right hands" (actual quote from one of them). So no, it really isn't.

What aspect of Goodfellas are you writing on?

I've seen some reading lists that recommend reading them in chunks based on who the lead character/characters is/are, but I kind of like the idea of seeing the whole world grow from start to finish.

Yeah. It turns out I don't actually live in the country I thought I lived in.

I wonder if we'd be in this mess if Scalia hadn't kicked the bucket when he did. Maybe social conservatives and political leaders feel more free to bail on Trump if the only Supreme Court opening is hypothetical. It's only fitting that Scalia found one last way to fuck over the country.

Maybe it can make someone's day a little brighter. That has value.

I don't see how you can change minds either. You're either with the racists/misogynists/pick your -ist or you aren't. Once someone has thrown in with the KKK, there's really no point in trying to reach that person.

100% cosign.


I kind of want to try and read them all in chronological order, even though I recognize that is quite the time and money consuming enterprise. I'll grab a few more of them next chance I get.

You're a good person.

Right there with you. I guess working is good because it helps to distract me, but I'm too down to be much use right now. Any work I get done would be shoddy as hell.

A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand,

I've only read three: The Color of Magic, Mort, and Reaper Man. I'm long overdue for a trip to the bookstore to get more. I liked Mort the most. I've also read Good Omens, the book he co-wrote with Neil Gaiman. That hit me in all the right spots.

Aaaaaaand here come the tears. I was wondering when they'd finally show up.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Regardless of where it goes, it's good that you've got that feeling. And hey, maybe you are judging the situation with perfect clarity.

That's an excellent idea. I was just looking at my bookshelf this morning trying to decide what to read next. I grabbed a Discworld book but some Tolkien sounds like it would be good for the soul. I'm not sure how much I want to read about good triumphing over evil right now, but that beats reading about evil