SG Standard

Where are the outstanding votes from? Not that it matters, but it would be amusing if the ultimate death knell of the country was baked into the Constitution from the start.

I finished A Dance with Dragons yesterday. Normally, reading about dragons laying waste to whole sections of Mereen would have been the most horrifying political event I'd be exposed to in a day.

It's only been 16 years since our last reminder that the Founding Fathers fucked up big time with the Electoral College. You'd have thought we could have afforded to go a little longer without a refresher, but nope. Stupid rural farmers in the 1780s.

Wait! I've got it. Kasim Reed. African-American, experience in a major urban city, has a funny, Muslim sounding name. All the Democrats have to do is shut up and play the hits!

I keep momentarily getting numb to it, like we are talking about this as a hypothetical exercise, and then I suddenly remember that the country actually just did that. Then it's like going through last night all over again, all at once.

So fucked.

Well, shit. So who do you think the Democrats have who could prevent the First Trump Dynasty from being a thing?

So basically you're saying we need a Booker/Warren ticket in 2020?

He was my first choice from the start of the primaries for exactly that reason. I doubt he could have beaten her even if Sanders had caught fire, but I think he was more electable than she was. It's not just all the baggage that she brings to the table, but it's the fact that there's 25 years of institutional hate for

Goodness, you're right. We just voted for a butt flag.

I just don't get how the Democrats got so fucked. Is it because the liberal wing of the party can't stop fighting with everyone else? Is it because they can't turn out minorities for midterm and local elections? Is it because they don't have something as powerful as white racial anxiety to mobilize voters? Is it

It'll be another round of "thanks, Obama", little more. There's not enough self awareness in that group to put the blame in the appropriate place.

Oh yeah. If you didn't care enough to vote against him because Hillary was the wrong color, I'm not gonna feel sorry for you when AG Giuliani institutes stop and frisk nationwide (ok, I take that back. I will feel sorry because I'm not that much of a heartless asshole, but I won't be a sympathetic as I would had


The only explanation I can come up with is simple, and I feel awful for typing it, but it's all I can wrap my head around; he's black and she isn't. If getting to vote for someone of your race was the reason you voted, you don't have that motivation to vote in 2016. I know that when Obama got elected in 2008 there

Oh yeah. Can you imagine how many ads with hammer and sickles we would have had to sit through? If a centrist Democrat couldn't do the trick, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist would have gotten kablastafucked by the electorate.

Congrats on the win! Boo on the not getting any money. There should at least be something for winning. So accept my congratulations in lieu of payment.

Yay for big cities. I am somewhat comforted by the fact that I live in a little liberal bubble surrounded by an unyielding sea of racist, sexist, anti-intellectual shit.

I make an exception for DMs :)

I don't want his corpse to be a rallying point either. He doesn't deserve it. That said, I would feel zero compunction were he to bite it. Some people are too hateful to deserve life.