SG Standard

I think I'm gonna take a couple weeks off from most of the internet. No twitter, no facebook (not that I ever go there anymore anyway), a select few subreddits, and here. I'm glad I found you all.

If he was able to win with all that going against him, imagine what things will look like after two years of unfettered ability to marginalize/disenfranchise minority voters? The only hope for the future is that the white working class that carried him to victory turns on him after the unemployment rate doubles. So

Yup. This is how the world ends.


Yup. The shitty people outnumber the non-shitty people. I figured it was otherwise. I was wrong.

If it takes four years to get us on the brink of war I'll consider us lucky.

lololol you must be new here

You should donate that blood money or something. That's why I didn't put money in the markets. I'd have felt horrible getting something good out of it, like when my fantasy team wins because my real life team played like crap. Except about 100000000 times worse.

Something we will NEVER SEE AGAIN!

Just not like this, and not on dry land.

All of y'all

Good luck with that, Ege! It's a fun feeling.

What is your favorite nice food you've ever had?

I comforted myself with that thought in the run up to the election, but now I'm not so sure. It's true that it is highly unlikely that Trump will deliver on even a fraction of the bullshit he promised and that a rational person would punish the party by voting Democrat in the midterms, and you'd think that the

It can be two (bad) things.

Bet Disney never figured Rogue One would be quite that relevant.

Except for the "stabbed to death" part, that is.

Don't fight too hard or you'll end up in a camp!

I hit that point during this election cycle. One of my Mississippi relations outed herself as the single most hateful person I know (she posted stuff on facebook that was so extreme that facebook deleted it), and I will be completely cutting her out of my life as a result. I don't care if you're family, if you're not