SG Standard


No, because that would require something good to happen in this world.

I don't need to teach at a good school. I will gladly be the Professor Duncan of your Greendale.

I would have thought that until tonight. Now I'm confident they are all too moronic to understand just how dumb it was to vote for him, even as we live through how bad it will get.

Ok, I'm out. MSNBC just cut to a bunch of Trump voters in Michigan spouting the same kind of nonsensical verbal diarrhea I would expect both their candidate and the people stupid enough to vote for him. See y'all in the morning.

I guess "more accurate" is a better phrasing than "better".

It's being outdone by the rural racist vote.

It's being outdone by the rural racist vote.

And the devil is not John Hodgman.

Normally I would take solace in the fact that it is taking Georgia so long to be called for Trump, but I don't have the ability to take solace in much of anything right now.

Yup. And neither looks good at all.

Dow futures now down 756.

Wisconsin is going badly.


Gotta maintain objectivity!

For some reason the sight of a Jew being crucified is not very comforting right now.

538 isn't any better. Seeing these numbers trickle downward is utterly horrifying.

I don't think so?

This is the perfect time to sound like a crappy asshole with a philosophy minor.