SG Standard

So MSNBC keeps talking about how surprised the Clinton campaign is at how close things are running. What the fuck has the Clinton campaign been looking at the past few weeks? How in the name of all things holy could they think they'd win Florida by five points? How the fuck could they think this would be over early?

And North Carolina.

Your logic isn't stopping me from worrying sick.

I mean Florida and Virginia, specifically.

Is it just me or does this seem to be going not well?

Every little bit helps!

Every corner, we can only hope.

I just turned on Chopped to try and delay watching any election coverage and ONE OF THE JUDGES IS A FORMER FREAKING WHITE HOUSE CHEF! THERE IS NO ESCAPE!!!!

Annie or Britta?

His interpretation was that regardless of her proclaimed intent, it was still the name of a candidate and therefore it had to go. She said she wasn't going to argue with him, but…

A woman in line it my polling place was wearing a "Love Trumps Hate" button this morning. The poll watcher asked her to turn it off because you can't wear campaign paraphernalia at a polling place. She said she should be allowed to wear it because the button might have just been referring to "trump" in the verb form.

Probably just watching MSNBC and hanging out here. Possibly diving head first into some red wine. Maybe watching Mad Max: Fury Road if I can get my roommate on board with the idea.

Well if the election had been a few weeks ago she could have gone with "winning was easy, governing's harder".

I can't either. Of all the days for Disqus to finally assert itself!

Depends on what kind of tacos they were.

That was simultaneously the kindest and most evil thing he could have done.

He'll threaten to file in the neighborhood of 25, but will file zero.

Isn't that the law? That if you are in line when polls close you get to vote?

Tonight would have been a perfect night to schedule a trivia game.

My guess would be he wasn't aware that there was more than one election to vote on and he's looking to see who else he is supposed to vote for.