SG Standard

See? What did I tell you? Family value.

Someone should tell him we aren't on that review anymore!

Five years after buying A Feast for Crows I'm finally about to start it. All I've heard for years is how much the show and the books diverge at this point so I'm legitimately excited even though, in theory, I should know what is coming. I have no idea what to expect! It appears that my "watch the show first and read

Oof. My apologies.

I don't blame them. He's a part timer who openly admits to only showing up for a paycheck, but is still allowed to get away with stuff that would get anybody else fired. Guys like Orton, Jericho, and Ambrose are professionals and aren't likely to take that crap quietly. There is only so much they can say without

The fact that they have to wait so long to find out is a killer. It's one thing if they DQ you and then review it, but to take so long just to make the decision is evil.

I remember it existed but I sure as hell didn't watch it. I experienced the real thing, and that was more than enough.

That finish was CRAZY. Crazy.

She makes it easier to cast aside my disappointment.

My dreams are usually much more straightforward and grounded. This one was low key, but rife with oddness.

Probably a good call. Now I want to rewatch "The Trouble with Tribbles" and look for hints.

There really isn't one, given the way our election process works. I wish it didn't shake out that way, but we live in the world in which we live.

I did the following:

I need to watch that.

Hi Alex!

There's a website that makes poems out of your tweets. I encourage you all to give it a whirl.

Cesaro as the new Punk!

I'm two episodes behind, but I'm 100% in the yes camp.

As if I needed more incentive to visit!

Time travel, of course.