SG Standard

At least they are consistent in their dipshittery.

Oh yeah, I watched Arrow too. Too much melodrama. That's not the Arrow I enjoy, nor is it Arrow anywhere near its best. Just break Oliver and Felicity up permanently and move on. Dammit, tumblr.

Agreed again. That's simply a result of WB wanting that sweet, sweet Avengers money as soon as possible without realizing what made The Avengers so successful. We knew the characters from those earlier films, so their team up had weight to it. WB is just throwing archetypes on the screen and hoping that context free

Which goes back to the idea that took root in MoS that Snyder or Goyer or the suits at the studio, whoever is responsible for the direction of these films, has no idea about what has made these characters work for 80 years.

They at least had something with the idea that Batman and Superman view each other as threats for the same reason, but I can't understand why you'd want the audience to view both your protagonists as being in the wrong. Not that it mattered since they dispensed with that idea anyway. It felt like three films all fused

I get the frustration with Thor's subplot because it was so blatantly setup. However, as you say, he was a Norse god alien dealing with magic. He's allowed to have precognitive premonitions. Batman is not allowed to see the future because he's having a bad dream. They violated the internal logic of the story and of

The thing that bugs me the most about the big fight is that they spent the entire movie establishing motivations for each combatant that, while flimsy, were at least consistent with what we were seeing. Then, at the last second, they toss those out and reveal the motivation is that Luthor kidnapped Martha and that


This is actually the review I've been waiting for, and coincidentally it has the same grade as Dowd's.

Again with the perfectly timed appearance by Screamin' Calvin! It's like Disqus is analyzing my posts and deciding when that avatar is most appropriate.

Humanity as a whole is insane and twitter enables our insanity.

That sounds fun and sad.

I don't mean as a punchline. I'm taking him seriously. However, if he's elected, I don't see a situation where a Trump presidency goes down as anything other than a disaster of historic proportions. Why would you want to tie yourself to that?

I just don't see it happening. I can't imagine the party coalescing around him. He's too unorthodox and I don't think the Republicans as a whole are willing to cede control of their party/movement to him.

Much more Trump.

But could you imagine having to deal with Trump in meetings every morning for the next four years? Would you be willing to go down in history as a joke VP of a joke President? A pariah that fiddled while the party burned?

As key as the whole anti-establishment thing is to Trump's campaign, I can't imagine an upside to picking an establishment VP. It's not like it would balance the ticket in any conventional sense. Trump is what he is, and nobody is going to have their opinion of him changed based on his VP pick. He's so far out there

Clutch appearance by the Disqus avatar there.

Seriously, I'm gonna start punching things if people keep supporting this guy.

This was from The Magicians! And it was hilarious!