SG Standard

It's great! I need to start doing that again as well. I try to switch up my weightlifting every so often and I've incorporated exercises from it into my weekly routine, but it's been a few months since I did the whole thing. It's so good for cardio as well as strength training all at once.

Week? Week?? You can't…you can't just go and extend our weekly post to an entire week! There's like, procedures to follow and stuff.

He's at his best when he's at his worst. He seems much more human when he's not a paragon of virtue, and she's just the right kind of trouble to bring out his more mischievous side. She's bad for him but great for Daredevil.

This excites me.

The problem with J-Law's performance is that she isn't crazy enthused either. It's more like she's not enthused at all. She's pretty sleepwalk-y. I think they've done very well by the character and made her a more vital part of the film than just tempting arm candy, but you can tell that she's not that into it.

I had Byrne over Lean, but it was not easy getting there.

Agreed. The bottom right corner was a cakewalk.

That is so unsurprising. Grow up, children. Or at the very least go back to r/redpill (which I just realized is named after a film directed by two trans women. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony).

Georgia just passed a religious liberty bill and now I want to move.

Probably won one of his tournaments at some point or something hyper-relevant like that.

On the one hand, I get the desire to nominate someone who really couldn't be quibbled with. The head of the DC Circuit Appeals Court is pretty much the most important non-Supreme Court judge there is, and under normal circumstances Congress would be likely to approve that person, especially if he's a white dude who

Do I even want to know?

Words to live by right there.

I totally understand, and if I'm trying to be objective I would feel the same way.

I want a framed copy of that last shot of Better Call Saul's cold open. THAT LIGHTING.

Reading The Iliad really shows why that story has endured for so long. It's the original epic and it is everything that epic storytelling should be. For as many times as it has been adapted and for as much of it has entered the popular consciousness, where you absorb so much of it without ever needing to read it, it

Yup. I'm already getting wistful knowing that I'm at the end of these runs on Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy. The list I have has Pre-Annihilators and Annihilators on it as well so I'll read through those and then I'll need some new ones to dive in to. This has been a great read from start to finish.

Ah, it was magnificent. Dude was not going to be stopped. Total heroics in those last couple minutes. We may not have gotten into the tournament but at least we kept them out. I love how the all tournament team was all Texas A&M or Kentucky…and JJ Frazier. I hope his ankle is good to go for the NIT.

That should be the name of the tell all, Live from New York oral history of the show. Tits and Dragons: The Game of Thrones Story.

I'm gonna miss these liveblogs. It's like a window into a dimension that makes even less sense than our own.