
From another user:

Thanks. That is....not efficient.

Same issue I’m having....making my way through Master of None right now, and re-watching Deadwood for the 4th or 5th time. Where are the old recaps?

You can find old posts? Congrats!

Where are the old TV recaps? No “Find a Show” function anymore? I’m working my way through Master of None, and was reading the recaps along with it.

Holy shit….I had no idea this was still going on until I read the "switching to Kinja" article on the front page.

Holy shit….I had no idea this was still going on until I read the "switching to Kinja" article on the front page.

"Back then"? That's a joke, right?

Don't forget the nosebleeds…

My wife drinks Stella Artois almost exclusively… she gets to listen to me sing this a lot.

Yay! An excuse to link to one of my favorite articles!

Definitely see a lot of Anderson Valley in my neck of the woods (which is the Atlanta suburbs).

Don't know where you are located, but if you can get your hands on Koko Buni from Creature Comforts Brewery in Athens, GA…do it.

Scrolled through comments to see if someone else would bring up The Hat.

Chiming in from five years later to point out that not only is Fred Savage mainly a director of TV comedies, he also directed THIS VERY EPISODE.

This video is truly horrible. Bad Job, Internet.

Can I get the cheezy bread that I brought?

No, that was Kumail and Thomas Middleditch, their other Silicon Valley costar.


I just hope he stays out long enough to watch Survivor Series on Sunday night…