
Paint a white stripe down the back of the feral cat. The skunk will mistake it for a lady skunk and fall madly in love with it. It will hop daintily toward and cat and begin kissing its arm. While the skunk is distracted, club it with a shovel.  

You know, I’m going to have to disagree with the pharmacy raiding being a “non-necessity.” My husband’s a type 1 diabetic. I’m bipolar. If we weren’t able to grab our meds/insulin/pump supplies/needles in time (which, I hope we’d be able to) or if they got waterlogged when we were trying to get out and up to higher

There is none. Leave now, provincial scum.

If you go on a review, then click on the show name you can use the dropdown box to go to other shows

Ok next question—with the new site layout, what’s the best way to find old TV club reviews? I’m often (ok always) way behind on most shows, but I like reading the AV Club reviews anyway, even if I’m too late to join in the discussion. The old site had that handy “Find shows” drop-down in the TV Club section on the

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