The Donald Trump of his time.
The Donald Trump of his time.
If we can’t keep the Columbus in Columbus Day, how can we ever hope to keep the Christ in Christmas, though?
Yeah, our sources seem to be Chuck Johnson and Erik Erickson. Not that I’m not enjoying the chaos in the GOP, but... yeah.
Side note: My husband is reading Atlas Shrugged for the first time, and his reactions are hilarious. He keeps asking me, “Wait, this is the book that gives Rand Paul, et al a hard on? They have read other books since high school, right?” and “Wait, does Ayn Rand really think rape is sexy? Because that was a rape scene…
No rumor. He shit on the floor of his college dorm. I’m stating it as fact. COME AT ME, BRO!
I mean, he never proved he didn’t.
The very one.
I am a big, blubbery, bleeding heart liberal, but this is just ridiculous. There have definitely been some very offensive costumes posted on here, this isn’t one of them.
It is not. People are effing crazy sometimes.
... is it insensitive to go as a dead lion? Like. I’m genuinely asking this because I really don’t know where the line is anymore.
Congratulations to new House Speaker A Gestating Fetus
“Guy comes in, put the gun in my ribs. And I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.’”
So they don’t think that the internet is an endless torrent of anonymous hate streaming from behind a billion computer screens, even while they are bombarded by anonymous hate sent from a billion computer screens.
God, it must really be awful for those creators to have a bunch of people on the internet making assumptions about their intentions and criticizing them publicly. Good thing it’s only on twitter though, imagine if there was a whole app, just for that!
“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”
Good. Fuck Texas football. The only thing they worship more is Jebus.