Silver Gleaming Death Machine

Sorry, I thought the joke was the stupidity of the notion that players have any responsibility to a city they are coerced into playing for.

You mean Seattle?

Melting birthday candle Donald Trump

They’re wasting resources on this law because their dislike of government waste is hypocritical and purely oriented toward denying important resources to particular social groups they see as unworthy, in one way or another.

The party of small government, everybody!

I looked at both surveys’ methodologies to try to discern the difference in outcomes, with the expectation that I would be unhappy with the WaPo one.

Unfortunately, Sanders has had months to do this (years, if you count his time in the Senate), and he still hasn’t done it in a ways to appease concerns. Who else is? Elizabeth Warren, for one, who has experience crafting regulatory policy and administrating consumer-oriented organizations in ways that have wrought

Whoever invented the “Bernie Bros” meme deserves a sizable raise because it absolutely worked.

Rape babies need homes! But not homo homes.

Hinkie did absolutely nothing that I couldn’t have done. By this metric, he did a very bad job.

If there’s 30 teams and such a player comes around once or twice a decade (meaning, what, there’s been six or seven of them), then no one’s odds actually seem that good.

Oh no, my garbage fire is catching on fire!

Depending on what state you’re in, I think voting for Jill Stein is a very fine thing to do.

“Free/subsidized college education” and “dismantle the big banks” are not plans, they’re bullet points.

Conservatives in the Republican party didn’t reject the Republican Party because “the rules weren’t fair.” They played according to the rules and transformed it from within. Meanwhile, liberals want to distance themselves from the most potentially powerful vehicle to implement progressive policy because ostensibly

It’s kind of concerning that he’s seemingly tolerant of it now, though, no?

I didn’t vote for Bernie or Hillary. I didn’t vote for Bernie because he strikes me as a likely ineffectual leader, relying upon a severely implausible “revolution” in order to pass any of his suggested legislation, and who lacks a firm grasp of how he will implement his ideas in policy (and who, I fear, would be so

Yeah, and I’m sure there’s a lot of Trump supporters who don’t like how they’re lumped in with the bad Trump supporters.

Or you can even read the beginning and, if it sucks, stop immediately.