Sexy Duck Cop

Me, on Twitter, to this guy, on Twitter: You sound like Poochie the Rockin’ Dog if he had even less shame and thought a T-Mobile backpack qualifies as “swag”.

I swear to god about two weeks ago I got into a Twitter spat with the CEO of T-Mobile and he really is that bad. I mocked him for sounding like a divorced dad and said no one on this fucking planet wants a T-Mobile tote bag, and he judt responded with a bunch of animated .gifs of Annie from Community.

You guys don’t even bother flagging this as “sponsored content” anymore, do you? This is very clearly an ad posing as a legitimate article that deliberately attempts to mislead the reader.

Oh come on, you can tell a billion stories in a zombie apocalypse. There’s petty squabbling! Barricading the doors! Bonding! Being overrun! More squabbling! More barricading! More bonding! More being overrun!

I love how George Lucas cares so little about directing actors that he gradually outsourced that duty to his stunt coordinator.

Negan is the Platonic ideal of “screenwriter’s convenice”. His actions, behavior, and motivations are incoherent and are based around plot points more than organic character growth.

I only watch Youtube clips of Negan. I can’t express in words how hilariously out-of-place he is in the show’s reality.

Yes, it is telling. That Game of Thrones is better than Justice League. A lot of things are telling that way.

Oh, you did that thing where you take the other person’s sentence but change one word in it.

Yeah, weird how being a gross pedophile sort of infects your view of everything a person makes, huh? I suppose we should blame the journalist for that and not, oh, say, the unrepentant child molester?

Woody Allen’s entire existence is predicated upon making “separate the art from the artist” assholes feel like the sociopaths they are.

The odds of Trump surviving his term are dwindlingly low. That’s one of the nice things about a democracy; when you discover your leaders are colossal fuckups, you can just remove them from power instead of hoping they die soon.

Scott Buck only helmed Dexter during its final four seasons—the exact moment it fell off a cliff.

The next phase in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is buying DC.

Also I haven’t seen Justice League and probably won’t because it sounds like a shitty movie


Did YOU not read the article? The middle three paragraphs were an incredibly long and graphic Bryan Cranston/Charles Manson erotic fanfic.

If you don’t mind the show devolving into camp, just Youtube all the Negan scenes, because he is an ironic blast. He’s supposed to be funny and menacing, and J.D. Morgan is clearly having a lot of fun, but at the same time his character is a fascinating wrecking ball to the story.

Yes. You and your jackbooted “I hope Snyder is okay” thugs are suppressing dissent and silencing criticism in the name of being nice, like the fucking asshole you are.

“silence criticism” jesus christ he’s not Pol Pot