Sexy Duck Cop

I’d like to see Hawkeye spend an afternoon running errands, shot in one continuous take, directed by Richard Linklater.

Haweye and his wife toil away at the farm; one of the kids becomes friends with a rat; another kid falls off a horse; Natasha shows up for dinner.

“I can’t communicate how pleased I would be if they made a movie with no fighting, no super hero battles, and no super lasers. Just a simple, family drama for two hours.”

More like Fuck Kojima for constantly trying to recast him. I am all for Directors having as much creative control as possible but man Kojima was wrong about trying to recast him. He should of embraced Hayter as the voice after so many fans grew to love him and appreciate him rather than just cast him aside from a

I agree.

So you object to the fact that he got vocally upset about being hit with massively unprofessional behavior, which was both a personal insult and finacial injury?

I know he could have kept his opinion to himself and pass for the bigger man but he never received the respect he deserved from Kojima. Hayter didn’t just do a voice. He put his heart into the serie. Do you think Sutherland played MGS5? Hayter played MGS. Hayter had to do an audition for every... single... MGS game he

Please someone mod this into a Mars Truck Simulator

Conan The Libertarian

And that makes no sense because Takei is not just a Dem supporter but was even a politician in San Francisco for a while back in the day.

Well he can shout all he wants about how he hasn’t changed his story. Even before this observer piece there were several conflicting accounts directly from Brunton. So there’s a pre-existing record of him changing his story.

And he’s on record in a reliable news publication admitting the 2nd meeting was a lie. And

So he’s changing his story yet again?

The picture where he’s being disrespectful but not actually touching her?

It might be an awkward thing to say, but is not being attracted to an ethnicity really racism? Do we get to decide who we’re attracted to?

If anyone is playing this game I find you disturbing.

Congratulations for an argument that makes no sense whatsoever. I mean, how is reporting on a game that is abut a school shooting a mere couple of weeks after the last one “giving away the argument” that video games cause mass shootings? At worst, the guy who’s made it is being called a tasteless asshole and Valve

What the fuck did Boba Fett do in Empire?

Holy shit. Thank you. HOW DID I NOT GET THIS?

But it refused is the most amazing pun in this game.