Sexy Duck Cop

Shereceived polite, constructive feedback from a player and flipped the fuck out, attempting to publically shame a customer for having the gall to provide feedback.

ugh I can see you’re too unsophisticated to understand the deeper meaning here

But why get Hayter when you can have a drunk and bored Erik Estrada?

Yeah, Kojima’s desire to be a ***HOLLYWOOD MOVIE DIRECTOR*** who works with ***BIG STARS*** now lead to him throwing an extremely loyal, talented, and hardworking person under the bus solely because he wasn’t as famous as the guy from Phone Booth.

Hayter got seriously fucked over and totally earned the right to be pissed off for a while.

Map the surface of Mars and use it as the basis of DLC for Big Rigs: Off The Road Racing. Then say constantly getting sucked into black holes is a feature, not a glitch.

No, feel free to say “it’s really fucked up that this person is treating her body image issues as a good thing.”

Well you have to admire.......what, exactly? That she hates her face? Is this supposed to be inspirational or something? That she hates herself and carved herself up and is proud of it for no fucking reason?

yeah this sure is some food writing

Hello Internet. Welcome to open discourse. We had it for a while. Then we lost it.

You know, none of this would happen if they released a mainline entry in a long-dormant yet beloved serirs AND THEN a pachinko machine/board game/sticker collection.


I can handle any amount of violence and horror in a well-told story—I mean, you pretty much can’t top Schindler’s List in terms of both quantity and historical accuracy of human suffering on display, but it’s such a beautiful, redemptive work it would be ludicrous to qualify it as a “nope” film.

Oh good more star wars

Whoa whoa whoa let’s not degrade barbarians with that sort of language

I love how this is like a eight-page testament to love and positivity and you reflexively respond with Bitchy Internet Comment #609

Do you like the wine? Then accept it.

Clearly you’ve never met an Incel. They’re like two levels below this.

I think it’s r/braincels

Normal Robot: “A woman is asking for directionsm”