Jesus, Russia, stop pretending like you care if you live or die.
Jesus, Russia, stop pretending like you care if you live or die.
I don't know or care who Ed Sheeran is, so I just saw it as a nice little sequence that subverted GoT's previously ironad law that every person who spends any length of time in the woods must be a serial rapist. It did stick out a bit that he was a good singer, but….so?
I guess, but my problem is it's hard to imagine no one considered this colossal impossible building specifically built to keep out magic monsters and constructed by tools unknown to man might also incorporate magic.
my N;;AME is linda as roger remarked I but single veterans 6,027 range rovers/week single firefighter moms
I was going to call him Maester Broadbent, but then I grew increasingly uncomfortable with how to spell his name and was too lazy to look it up, so I didn't.
…so has it been established yet why everyone is reacting with such urgency to the White Walker threat? Does anyone have reason to believe the Wall won't hold beyond the fact that there are only 12 episodes left?
Followup: When he risked his own safety to save Brienne, and then negotiated a (near) bloodless surender in the Riverlands, and also rescued Tyrion, and also seems to be undergoing an "arc" of some sort, did you think "this guy's only purpose on the show is to be an asshole and then die"?
Keep watching past the first sea—-oh, wait, you saw him get tortured and mutilated and puke up horse piss on his death march wearing his own severed hand as a necklace and have his gangrene treated without medication and thought "this is what privilege looks like"?
And what does it say about the showrunners' confidence and maturity that they haven't lost sight of quiet character moments, even as we barrel along to the conclusion?
Also he pissed on their rugs, but in a friendly way.
Sam: So yeah, I was thinking we should cancel or plstpone our annual azalea festival on account of the fact that I saw the army of the dead.
I love the idea of sexually harassing a fictitious character so bad the marketing department has to write an in-character press release where Tony the Tiger soberly recounts all the ways sexual harassment has ruined his life
Well Negan is sort of carrying the torch by creating his own utopian commune that runs exclusively on monologues and failed suicide blitzes. That's a pretty optimistic vision for the world imho
Keep watching past the first episode, his character has a neat arc.
Wait, is this a trollbot programmed to leave generic friendly comments at no personal gain to itself?
Hasn't this always been the Hound? One of my favorite things about him is how hilariously skewed his ratio of "actual bad deeds":"surprising acts of kindness" is. Pretty much from the beginning he's been like I AM THE EVILEST CHARACTER ON GAME OF THRONES and then volunteers to work the phones on a rape-crisis hotline…
I didn't even know this was a thing, let alone a thing that warranted a long, defensive paragraph about
I dunno, I thought the decision to reveal that everyone in the universe is autistic in the prequels was a pretty bold creative move
Rogue One, Part II: Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope, Sub-episode 0: Genesis of the Lovehogs
Hey, remember when Obama was President and people didn't know how good they had it, so whenever you saw a heartwarming picture of the Obamas sharing an ice cream some asshole would always jump in and say "something something drones"?