Hasn't this show ended like ten times already
Hasn't this show ended like ten times already
There will never be a better AVC feeding frenzy than the year Dexter ended.
When is HORMEL BRAND BLACK LABEL, A SUBSIDIARY OF CONAGRA, going to free the family of that bacon critic you took hostage?
Kevin Pang are you afraid that when you die with no soul you'll be stuck in purgatory and purgatory will be exactly like a shitty indie horror game on Steam where your flashlight is a perfect yellow circle?
"I can make cheap movies on my laptop that look as good as AAA blockbusters! I will do this forever! Look out Hollywood!"
And he's a great storyteller who loves his fand. Just a class act.
That ascribes a clarity of purpose Trump is incapable of possesing.
The nightmare of our lives is only just beginning.
I'm not sure if I can handle a modern movie where no blue lasers are fired at the sky or no one growls "He's building an ARMY!"
I have seen none of these films.
Fuck you for writing about Donald Trump. Just fuck you.
Say what you will about Max Landis, he was absolutely delightful introducing Fateful Findings to Red Letter Media.
Can you fuckmonsterify him by about 15%?
It took me way, way to long to realize this Pope was not a real Pope. I was watching all these clips in isolation without context thinking "Hmm, well maybe he was one pf the Medicis" like I'm this big fucking Pope expert that can just spot a Pope from 100 yards away and, oh yeah smarty pants, yes, he's a Medici who…
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I moved to LA when I was 22 and had an In-N-Out, Five Guys, Fatburger, and Chik-Fil-A a five minute walk away the whole time. They are good for fast food. That's it. Good for fast food. Not the holy fucking grail.
Foodies are the worst fucking people on the planet. It's like, how can you possibly be this pretentious and condescending about something that is literally turning into shit as you wax poetic about it?