Negan: "There are two kinds of people in the world: Me, and people who are not the inventor of the barbed-wire baseball bat."
Negan: "There are two kinds of people in the world: Me, and people who are not the inventor of the barbed-wire baseball bat."
You also miss Angel and LaGuerta fucking. For a whole season.
Negan is to The Walking Dead as Oh My God, You're Saying Dexter Is Literally Possesed By An Assyrian God is to Dexter.
The villain is literally handing multiple heroes multiple weapons, saying "There will be no consequences for killing me, but there will be consequences for letting me live", and still they're just going uhh uhh uhh golly this killing business is an ill-fitting suit for me
Mauammar Qorualaffi.
If you stopped watching Dexter at Season 2 and came back to only read the comments for Season 8, congratulations: You have mastered the art of enjoying television.
I would love to hear a cogent defense of inexplicably handing the reigns of an ostensibly "serious" drama to a Looney Tunes character.
This show is like some horrible Peruvian maggot cheese that just gets better the more it ferments.
So Zack's review was pretty great (really, he's one of my favorite AVC critics), but I love this bit from Paste's review, which sums up my feelings perfectly:
I hope this season ends with Negan just reading off the cast list, turning to the camera, and saying "I am now best friends with every actor making over $1 million per year."
Until he isn't. Which is always.
Negan has the bouyant posture of a kid in need of Adderrall, and the nonstop monologing of someone who needs way less.
By letting Qoral kill two of his men without consequence, Negan has invalidated the entire fucking point of killing Glenn and Abraham. The only faintly plausible angle to Negan's character is that he provides stability and laws, and even that is gone now thanks to his weird hard-on for top-billed actors.
They get to listen to Negan talk about baseball bats and Rules for the rest of their lives.
Was anyone else getting serious Rufus T. Firefly vibes from that weird, pointless, drawn-out, rambling, gratuitous, confusing, uncomfortable scene where Negan ran through an insult comedy routine on Olivia?
The only part of this show I watch are clips of Negan on Youtube, and even then I'm like "This is way too much Negan".
It's approaching the Dexter event horizon where it becomes genuinely enjoyable to make fun of even if you originally enjoyed it as a serious drama.
"It's about the ART, man"
~ Hideo Kojima trying for find investors for his movie about alien rape orgies.
No no it's okay because they were making Art
well hannibal lecter is the new tentacle rapist solid snake, so there's one beacon of sunshine amidst this world war I poem of a year