Sexy Duck Cop

also wouldn't the wire be constantly slipping off

oh shit now he's busting out the "I know you are but what am I"

But again….who the fuck would follow a guy that literally everyone hates, but also lacks the political infrastructure to protect him? He is literally a crazy man who claims he invented wrapping barbed wire around a baseball bat to anyone who will listen.

but then how could negan continue gloating about how he invented the barbed wire baseball bat for the next eight episodes

we're getting off topic

damn that's cold

because it's lame af

Has anyone told Negan he is not the inventor of the barbed wire baseball bat yet? Or in the season finale, will he (POTENTIAL SPOILERS) find a copy of Mutant League for Sega Genesis and eat Lucille?

How much of the episode is just Negan monologuing while everyone around him thinks "Jesus dude, you did not invent wrapping barbed wire around a baseball bat. It's not that fucking clever."

I just Youtube the Negan scenes and think "I don't watch this show but I can tell this guy is mondo disrupting the vibe."

also don't do that fake html sarcasm thing. I've been on the 'net for a while, I know these things

I thought it was a decent breakfast-related slam.

Authorities On Comedy.

Whenever I try to watch SNL, a show I am repeatedly told is "really funny" and "like a New Yorker cartoon, but on TV!", I cannot get over how self-consciously bug-eyed "comedic" all the actors are.

I tried watching the Evil Masterminds sketch and thought "If this were 1995, my mind would be blown."

Yeah, we're all a bunch of horrible backwards racists, aren't we?


People die during literally every Presidency. We have never had a single commander-in-chief whose decisions didn't get someone killed. But there's a difference between a sober error in judgment made by fallible yet competent experts and Donald Motherfucking Trump.

Donald Trump's first act as President is to put himself inside a TV set and yell orders at Dave Foley.

The thing is, Trump can only win if he takes votes from the Obama coalition and flips not only every swing state, but somehow magically takes an extremely blue state like Pennsylvania. And not to sound patronizing, but there is a very, very obvious logic a lot of people forgot this cycle: