Sexy Duck Cop

I've done all sorts of crazy scenarios, including "fuck it, why not" projections where I give him North Carolina and Hillary Texas and Evan McMullin the New California Republic, and even with Caesar's Legion siphoning Hillary support in the southwest, Trump is still 539 votes shy of victory.

The only scenarios where he's four short all involve kooky, outlandish scenarios where he takes "swing states" with huge minority populations that haven't gone red in 30 years abruptly disregard all polling and logic all at once.

…is that Duckman's catchphrase?

Yeah, it would be hilarious if a dangerously unstable, incompetent sexual predator with only a vague understanding of politics was given the most important job on planet earth.

All election season long, I've been like the opposite of the guy at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, screaming at random passerbys DON'T PANIC EVERYONE. I RAN A SIMULATION WHERE TRUMP TAKES EVERY SWING STATE AND HE'S STILL 14 VOTES SHY OF 270

Friendly reminder: Donald Trump is not going to win. Donald Trump was never going to win. Anyone saying otherwise is either ignorant, trying to artificially gin up a "horse race" narrative for clicks, or an overly anal statistics nerd that ends every sentence with "….but anything can happen."

People who get pretentious about fucking beer deserve all the scorn in the world.

I just please fuck'ed before I replied to my reply. Hope that's okay. Also no one has any goddamned idea what you're trying to day or why you're here, but rest assured we are all imagining you as Balki from Perfect Strangers, only more edgy and Jared Leto-ish.


wait so did you start learning english just to call us losers for not liking hollywood heart throb and star of stage and screen jared leto

hahaha yeah it's pretty obvious bud

okay, I'll keep going

(Star of stage and screen Jared Leto's friends are throwing him a surprise party, but one of them accidentally spills the beans beforehand, forcing Jared Leto to act surprised when he walks in)

If I was star of stage and screen Jared Leto I would eat my own fucking head.

It always, amazes me, when someone, who can't write, a complete sentence, starts talking, about IQ levels.

I hope this extended cut somehow features a shorter turnaround from "Amanda Waller gloats about how well she can control Enchantress" to "Enchantress makes Amanda Waller look like a dumb motherfucker." That would be especially impressive given that Enchantress was introduced and betrayed everyone in the same sentence.

They literally just stole someone's mom's iPod and just hit "shuffle".

By "visual style", you mean "the worst editing in the history of studio filmmaking", right?

It's like poetry. It rhymes.

Imagine waking up every morning to the mailman delivering you a fresh package from star of stage and screen Jared Leto.