Sexy Duck Cop

something something drones

does this movie have women in it I keep forgetting

If Bojack Horseman ends with Bojack riding a jetski into an earthquake, only to grow a beard, there would be no point to any more art, now or in the future.

Republicans are a biolith: Angry, frightened villagers and their flailing puppet masters screaming YOU SAID YOU HAD THIS UNDER CONTROL

so this is Will Smith from suicide squad, right?

I don't understand

Could someone, anyone, please explain to me the infinite stream of fawning North Korean propaganda articles about how blessed we are to breathe the same air as Beyonce?

I'm sorry you view the world through the greasy prism of race and class, but to the rest of us, Cutlass12, """Mystery Black Detective Lady""" has a name and a history. You know, like a HUMAN BEING. For example:

"So I got this great idea for a new character as we start wrapping up the show's story."

Season 5 had a decent setup, but completely collapsed when it turned into a Mega Man game where Dexter and Lumen had to defeat the 5 Rapist Masters before Lumen could return to her home planet.

Detective Angie Miller had a pretty great "fuck off" goodbye when she defeated Quinn and became Sergeant, thus robbing him of his one opportunity to find something to do on the show.

Remember when that crazy British lady accused Angel of rape, and because he wears so many goddamned fedoras he wasn't even sure if she was lying?

Doakes' death really was the canary in the coal mine. The show was really good in season 2, but the sheer cowardice and laziness of having Psycho British Bitch kill him to exculpate Dexter of any wrongdoing ("Oh no!!! I was just about to consider doing to right thing too!!! Rats!") was a bad omen for how the show

As much as I love to hatewatch things, deep down, I have a lot of sympathy for failures. Generally, I try to maintain perspective and remember that given the mind-boggling complexity of moving parts involved in getting a single episode of TV made—not just logistically, but psychologically, technically, politically and

I had way, way too much fun with Season 8 of Dexter. I honestly don't think I have ever laughed so hard at a show since the golden age of the Simpsons, and I do not say that lightly.

Ghost Dad: I hope you learned a valuable lesson, Dex.


"….and was never mentioned again" describes how Dexter got out of a lot of scrapes.

Peripheral Side Character: Hi, I'm looking for Season 8? I was told I'd be playing an ice cream man that Dexter thinks is a serial killer but turns out to be a normal ice cream man. Apparently I have three hours of screen time.