Sexy Duck Cop

I hope the entire movie is just two hours of footage of Jared Leto's cast members mailing him annoying things and saying "Hahaha, look at me everyone! I'm Jared Leto and I think the Joker was a horny goth UPS driver! BOOM!"



He could've been drinking a Pepsi Max while ordering the Edge pizza from Pizza Hut. Sure, both those prpducts have been discontinued, but wouldn't ordering something they don't make any more be EXACTLY like something Leto's Joker would do?

What's amazing is that the studio and its marketers drew so, so much attention to how daring and innovative ***FUTURE WORLD CHAMPION OF BEING HEATH LEDGER, JARED LETO!***'s performance would be, only to instead draw attention to what a shoddy, hollow knockoff of Ledger his Joker was. For a "serious actor" who claimed

DC's problem is that all its films are reverse engineered from the trailers. First the marketing team shouts some phrases or images that would look good in a trailer, then a writer has to create a scene around that image or phrase. They prioritize Moments over Scenes.

Would you say he was a HANDSOME HUNKA HUNKA and then make barnyard noises for two agonizing minutes?


With Ledger's Joker, the idea of him having this internal life was genuinely compelling because his character felt elemental, more force of nature than man. You could imagine him leaving his makeup on when he goes to bed, leaving stains all over his pillow, and immediately putting on his "war face" every morning when

If having a couple knives in your pocket is creepy, then methodically laying out every type of knife in the world—which, it turns out, are overwhelmingly cooking-related and looks more like a clumsy chef slipped on a roller skate than a menacing psychopath's haunting ritual—in a semicircle is what XTREME JOKER would

Also you have to disavow the fact that these high-profile murderers(?) all managed to escape from their "secret" prison (that the public never asked about), formed a team for some reason, ran around in public for a while, and then heroically died saving the world while also wearing a bomb collar.

Enchantress was on screen for about a minute and 45 seconds before she escaped and summoned CGI tech demo monsters from 1996 to fire a blue laser at the sky. During that time, she groped one of the generals Waller was trying to impress, directly ignored orders to stop being creepy, and seemed only mildly irritated

1) Why did Joker need to receive a text from Harley saying "break me out of jail" to decide to break her out of jail? Did they mutually agree that she was to remain in prison until she got bored of it?

This discussion is like trying to convince Donald Trump he is responsible for his poll numbers.

"DC doesn't really need you guys, your not enough to"

Saying "It's a good movie, the only problem was the script" is like saying "You're totally healthy, the only problem is your blood is made of cyanide."

DC fans are the architects of their own misfortune.

ok so let me get this straight

"I had no idea these rain drops were so deadly!"

I am not going to let this point slip quietly into the good night. This is serious. Why. Was. Joker's. Entire. Plot. About. His. Penis.