so did yo momma
so did yo momma
His entire criticism seems to hinge on "setting aside the ten billiom things that worked, why couldn't there be MORE? Like sure, the characters are well-developed, but why can't they be MORE developed? The action was great, but why can't it be MORE great?"
Ironically, in terms of plotting, I predicted every single beat, to the point that I was questioning how neatly it would conform to my vision. And yet even then, I absolutely loved every moment of this fantastic episode by how beautifully it was presented.
Your roommate Mary was just killed in a wildfire IED.
This review was cranky as hell.
That's really unfair to Cersei
here I found some leaked footage of Dorne from the season 7 premiere *SPOILERS*
at least no one talked
that would be really profound
I really hoped that when the Mountain took off his helmet, there'd be, like, a mirror underneath, you, know? Like to say it turns out that all along WE were the real monsters?
Yeah, I get how it can be frustrating, but that's the point. They both had plans, they both had endgames, but just as Joffrey ended Ned Stark on a single capracious whim, so too did the Mad Queen nuke her own capital.
I hope it turns out Littlefinger can fight like Wesker in Resident Evil and just kung-fu fights Dany
I wish Walder would've been like "This food tastes weird and is poorly cooked and has a penis in it."
He and Rickon meet up in Heaven:
Because there's like two people left in King's Landing and she won the arm wrestling match.
That One Sand Snake: You want a good girl, but you need bad pu—
"Your grace, House Whocares of the Stormlands are displeased with your taxation policy."
I dunno, I think they're on fire tonight.
He really………..he really hit the ground running! Yes that'll do!
*Price is Right trombone*