Sexy Duck Cop

Thank you kindly.

And is totally going to fuck.

I just love Olenna telling Dorne to shut up and service the plot like a good girl.

Arya: The Starks send their regards.

Other assorted facts:

is it just me or is peter dinklage getting taller

why did Lyanna Stark give birth to an old man

Tommen actually commot suicide after hearing Mike and Molly got cancelled

You're both right!

Why is Melissa McCarthy spending so much money to let us know Mike and Molly was cancelled? Why does the latest Melissa McCarthy ad read like a eulogy?

I know everyone's thinking the same thing, but it has to be said: That was perfect.

Great, now I'm gonna have a boner that lasts for a year.

That sounds fucking awesome

Everything aboit this C+ review makes it sound like a fucking rad movie.

I know letter grades are the Antichrist and force these genius critics to express their immeasurably complex, multivalent perspectives on ID:4P2 into an artificial binary that reduces their brilliant analysis down to one letter, but is it too much to ask for something more than "plot summary+vaguely smug statement"?

All written in that insufferably smug, condescending tone of a movie critic who has one job and struggles with it.

I like reviews that spend most of the time explaining the plot and a few sentences explaining whether or not it works. Because if I had to go solely on the description alone, I would assume this was an A+ review.

Me and ny buddy were the only people in the theatre, so I was howling with laughter whenever a big Trailer Moment showed up appropos of nothing. Like, in one scene Batman would be taking a nap or forwarding Wonder Woman promotional Youtube clips for Justice League, and in the next, Batman would suddenly be all DO YOU

I love your username.

Sounds like SOMEONE is threatened by powerful women who don't kowtow to gender norms! And also can control the weather with their minds!