
Programmer here: Optical disk drives are perhaps the slowest form of memory used in modern computers, and not just by a marginal amount, it’s in a whole different magnitude. While processing speed increases year to year, data transfer speed doesn’t really increase at all. As we keep making file sizes larger, if we

I like Alexios.  

You basically contradicted your entire point. The only place Sony can go is down from here. And they’re doing everything possible lately to ensure that they go down hard next generation.

“I don’t want to objectively think about an issue, so every argument I make must include an easily dispatched strawman.”

It’s the same tone deafness that has plagued the industry for years. From a developer standpoint, being on the Epic game store just means potential customers have to download an installer and go. From a consumer stand point, it means handing my credit card or paypal or what have you to a company that for the past year

RE3 wasn’t too bad. The conceit of Nemesis being a persistent, terrifying threat was pretty good and reasonably well executed.

Pretty reluctant to take either side in that shit derby. 

I’d argue, that all the improvements to base building, new environments, economy and of course, an actual multiplayer mode can barely be called “a new coat of paint”.

I didn’t love S2, but I liked it more than most. I even found the incomprehensibility of the plot somewhat appealing, eventually. It seemed that S2 meant to be just as scuzzy as S1, but without all the romantic mythos - and while I did love that mythos on first watch, it also made a lot of it too neat (I’d say all the

I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,

I mean, it’s obviously Shueisha (Shounen Jump),

This is a much more sensible ranking.

Still the best bad game I wish got a sequel.  Sure, the game was flawed in a lot of ways (most noticeably in how broken stealth was); but the game itself was unique in a land of same-ey and very blah roleplaying games.

On the one had, I think the hullabaloo over this song is ridiculous, on the other, I never much cared for it, so eh?

But there’s a problem. It’s 2018 and I don’t need or particularly want media to humanize Nazis. I acknowledge that history is complex, and I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the

Tip Four: let people do what they want and concern yourself with yourself. 

Donkey Kong 64 is super surprising to me. I had no idea it was popular at all. I would expect Banjo Kazooie to be on that list first.