These games changing storefronts once they’ve been out for a while is pretty bad. The game already sold millions, why bother and just irk steam users, if anything just make the game 5$ cheaper on the epic store.
These games changing storefronts once they’ve been out for a while is pretty bad. The game already sold millions, why bother and just irk steam users, if anything just make the game 5$ cheaper on the epic store.
Injustice and the current MK series are if nothing else great for their stories. Thank you, NeatherRealm.
I’m happy to hear this. Massive has been killing it with their community engagement and lightning-fast bug fixes and updates.
Our justice system and law enforcement are shitty here but imagine being prosecuted off of an impromptu drug test carried out by cops.
So the most exciting show on television has a soundtrack by the most boring artists in each genre? Cool?
So, Shooting Gallery: Treadmill Edition?
Because I’d definitely load that onto my treadmill at home. Talk about incentive.
Yes it’s A way of creating competition however from a consumer standpoint it’s a bad way, it’s anti-consumer. In no way is the Epic launcher better than Steam or even Uplay/Origin/GoG for that matter, they are lacking many features and there have been some other concerns. This means consumers have no choice but to…
Most people don’t remember, but before Steam, publishers that had to put up with physical sales were getting only about 30% for themselves on each game sold. 70% were the manufacturing, transport and storage costs plus a cut for the physical stores that were selling the games. Steam turned those rates around giving…
The same thing happened to me this past weekend but my game is XCOM2: War of the Chosen. It’s 11pm i should go to bed but lets do one more mission and, well, this research is about to be done so let me pass some days here and then I’ll go to... OH! a mission to push back the Avatar Project! Gotta do that...
Leave it to Apple to announce a bunch of indie tier games of which there’s plenty (and really good ones) on consoles and PC while acting as if it’s some new and innovative approach to gaming that only Apple can make
“for Apple devices”
Because Steam still maintains as one of the largest platforms, and the idea of people having to download your client just to see the icon pop up in the store, when you could have them passively seeing the icons every day they log into steam just makes better business sense.
Hey, you guys remember when Steam was tightly curated, and a vocal minority constantly threw a fit about Valve being overly selective? Then they established a system to let people vote on more stuff to bring in, and people continued to throw a fit because they didn’t like the way it worked? Then they opened the gates…
Epic can still get fucked. Throwing around Fortnite money to make the PC space genuinely worse when it’s finally on the rise after being neglected for multiple console generations is a shit move, and supporting it, as well as Tencent, makes the people defending their practices a part of the problem.
My main reaction to this is amusement at the contrast between that attitude and the quality of their own launcher. Honestly, I’ve said it before, but this is competition not for consumers so much as producers. I don’t really see anything good for the rest of us coming out of this bizarre intra-platform exclusivity war.
Feels like epic store’s not going that well. Epic knows that they can’t rely on fortnite forever so they’re looking for ways to create more revenue streams. But epic store’s lacking so many features that steam users are so familiar with that it just left a negative impression on people’s minds.
Exclusivity to an online storefront is lame.
This sounds like a good version of Gat out of Hell
I know some fans prefer more grounded games, while other fans like myself are into the weirder Far Cry adventures.