If you actually think the 30% cut killed single player games, you're just being absurd.
30% is similar to what both Sony and Microsoft take from sales as well, not to mention considerably better than what you’d get at retail. Not to mention you can generate Steam keys and sell them elsewhere for different rates, or even on your own for the full cut.
Yes, please.
Yeah, well, I’m going to go start my own con. With blackjack, and hookers!
Just shy of $30k in 14 years.
I think Sony passed on having EA access back around the time it came to Xbox, so I doubt anything like this will be coming to PS4.
Valve is not a publicly traded company.
I’m pretty sure they killed it off before it could ever make it to consoles.
I think there’s a shot of Chopper in Rogue One as well.
I’d love for Capcom to remaster Outbreak 1 & 2 and bring the multiplayer back. Those games were fun as hell.
I’m guessing all versions of the game, but I’m not really sure.
I mean, probably.
I’m pretty sure L4D2 was mostly developed by Valve, so the absence of Turtle Rock wouldn’t really be an issue.
I just wish it had a Versus mode.
The save system was modded the first night so that you could save whenever you like, so that’s not an issue for the PC version anymore.