You’re right, they could definitely drop the file size if they just used textureless blocks instead. And get rid of all that audio too.
You’re right, they could definitely drop the file size if they just used textureless blocks instead. And get rid of all that audio too.
Silverman says CK would sometimes ask if he could masturbate in front of her, which happens to be the same thing he was accused of doing to other comedians and female employees in a New York Times Story—though CK didn’t ask these other women if it was okay with them beforehand.
Can the third season of Jessica Jones finally just be her being a hardboiled superpowered PI solving cases, rather than another season of origin story?
You beat me to it. I came here to gush about Charlie Cox, who indeed doesn’t get enough credit for the role. Sure, Vincent D’Onofrio’s great, but I absolutely love Cox in this role. He brings so much humor and charm to the character, which does a lot in balancing out all the angsty issues (though for a character like…
Didn’t read anything about Rockstar telling them to share positive stories. Seems like you’re creating a narrative to fit the emotions you want to have.
I’m torn on this, honestly.
I like the one or two points (gotta admit I just skimmed this) where he just needs to cross through a camp and the Athenians are ‘NO’. And then the lions, tigers wolves and bears. A man can’t just go for a pleasant walk around here.
I think their point was that it would have added nothing to the story Insomniac chose to tell. Which I think is correct.
Some people took issue with the game’s portrayal of cops and Spider-Man’s relationship to them. Kotaku’s Heather Alexandra critiqued the game’s black and white approach to law enforcement as predominantly unimpeachable good guys and criminals as violent anarchists, but she wasn’t alone. The Ringer, Deadspin, and Dot…
I do hope DC/WB hire some of the people from telltale to finish the Batman games.
People, you know how Trump makes all those ridiculous cringe-inducing boasts? This is our side of the fences’ version of that. It’s infuriating and just reeks of ‘well, actually’. Sure there are some valid points raised but they are drowned out by the urge to automatically roll ones eyes. Seriously, not every hot take…
Context and careful thought require at least 281 characters.
You guessed it....Frank Stallone.
That scene of him doing the second test was so good. I saw it in one of those Dolby theaters with the bass under the seat and that was the only scene that really made the technology shine. Anyway, I would totally watch a 4 hour cut of this movie
Like... who cares what random internet man in a steam thread has to say?!
But I hear if you go to here training ground at her mansion, complete the training course in 2 min or less, do a double somersault over the candle stick holder and dive into the pool, you’ll unlock her nude skin and see her bewbs. True story bruh.
It’s nearly impossible not to smile when punching an old woman.
I don’t think we should need to spend “outrage points” at all (what is this, the world’s lamest role playing game?)! What I’m saying is that I’m tired of these types of articles that put a magnifying glass over a small, deeply pathetic faction of the internet that doesn’t deserve any attention, when it comes at the…
Counterpoint: We can absolutely blame Hughes (and Barsanti) for this, because pretty much every article they write for this site are either pointless outrage pieces like this, or lazy one-sentence hack jobs.