
I’d argue, that all the improvements to base building, new environments, economy and of course, an actual multiplayer mode can barely be called “a new coat of paint”.

I didn’t love S2, but I liked it more than most. I even found the incomprehensibility of the plot somewhat appealing, eventually. It seemed that S2 meant to be just as scuzzy as S1, but without all the romantic mythos - and while I did love that mythos on first watch, it also made a lot of it too neat (I’d say all the

Why call the 2016 film divisive. It was a comedy that wasn’t funny, a drama that wasn’t dramatic, and horror that wasn’t scary. It failed in every conceivable way to be remotely good. It’s not about sexism anymore, it’s just about Paul Feige being a shit director. Dude had a huge budget and four amazingly funny people

I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,

First half of the trailer: so ok, this is some dark comedy about unscrupulous art critics that want to pass these paintings as being made by this girl to rack up money from them?

Him or Liam Neeson....

Sean Bean for Leto, or is he too old (or too on the nose)?

The monsters are pretentious multi-thousand word writeups about the true meaning of Birdbox.

I mean, it’s obviously Shueisha (Shounen Jump),

This is a much more sensible ranking.

We don’t know because our point of view is the characters’ point of view, and no one who sees them lives long enough or is able to articulate well enough to tell everyone else what they’re seeing. It happens that quickly.

Yeah, I didn’t really see the whole “It’s like A Quiet Place, but with sight” comparison either. Definitely liked this one more than AQP, which gave me tension fatigue.

The whole time I was watching, I kept thinking, “This is what The Happening should have been.”

I just watched this film today, and it is outstanding. I don’t really get the comparisons to A Quiet Place - this feels more like The Happening by way of Dawn of the Dead (2004). But better than either film, while retaining the...I guess, coolness and feel of a large-scale disaster? 

Still the best bad game I wish got a sequel.  Sure, the game was flawed in a lot of ways (most noticeably in how broken stealth was); but the game itself was unique in a land of same-ey and very blah roleplaying games.

It’s painful to the ears to watch Marvel films

On the one had, I think the hullabaloo over this song is ridiculous, on the other, I never much cared for it, so eh?

There is exactly a 0% chance that not a SINGLE Marvel show made it onto that list.  Especially considering I haven’t even heard of the #1 show, I’m calling BS.