
I do hope DC/WB hire some of the people from telltale to finish the Batman games.

People, you know how Trump makes all those ridiculous cringe-inducing boasts? This is our side of the fences version of that. It’s infuriating and just reeks of ‘well, actually’. Sure there are some valid points raised but they are drowned out by the urge to automatically roll ones eyes. Seriously, not every hot take

Context and careful thought require at least 281 characters.

You guessed it....Frank Stallone.

That scene of him doing the second test was so good. I saw it in one of those Dolby theaters with the bass under the seat and that was the only scene that really made the technology shine. Anyway, I would totally watch a 4 hour cut of this movie

Like... who cares what random internet man in a steam thread has to say?!

But I hear if you go to here training ground at her mansion, complete the training course in 2 min or less, do a double somersault over the candle stick holder and dive into the pool, you’ll unlock her nude skin and see her bewbs. True story bruh.

I like the aesthetic they went for with Ledger’s, like he put it on a week ago and never took it off.

It’s nearly impossible not to smile when punching an old woman.  

I don’t think we should need to spend “outrage points” at all (what is this, the world’s lamest role playing game?)! What I’m saying is that I’m tired of these types of articles that put a magnifying glass over a small, deeply pathetic faction of the internet that doesn’t deserve any attention, when it comes at the

Oh boy, another Twitter group getting crazy about something...

Counterpoint: We can absolutely blame Hughes (and Barsanti) for this, because pretty much every article they write for this site are either pointless outrage pieces like this, or lazy one-sentence hack jobs.

You didn't. It's William Hughes picking and choosing a few Twitter reactions from nobodies to sensationalize into a news piece where he can show off his "wokeness". It's the new mandate for being an AVclub newswire contributor. We'll get one of these huff pieces a day.

How about having women write male-driven shows, black people writing white-led shows, and so on?

“You look like an asshole.”

It’s not allowing that winds me up, it’s insisting. And in part it’s because it goes both ways and actually ends up restricting the options for women and people of colour — you only go to them if you need an “authentic voice” that matches the lead character(s).

All I ask is that Jessica Jones show up for one episode. She and Matt had great chemistry. One of the few notable aspects about The Defenders.

I’m sure they will be, I just hate the over-generalisation of it being a go-to response. It only really serves to suggest the ultimate goal is that everyone should get shoved into their own little niche whether they like it or not. Forget having a diverse story, the best you can hope for is a diverse selection of

Kind of a shame we got to a point where the default setting is to assume writers are incapable of telling stories about about characters who don’t share their gender/race/sexuality/religion/career. Because that’s the commonality across all great fiction... no one does any research, every single character is just a