
You know, if a fetus destined to be boy — i.e. with XY chromosomes, same as you have — is resistant to testosterone while he’s in the womb, then he’ll be born with a female body. The males bits just won’t develop.

No one is forcing you to call her a she. It’s just that if you don’t, people are going to call YOU a bigot.

You are not an intelligent person.

You are an awful human being.

Sorry that a large swath of society disagrees with your uninformed and shitty hot takes on biology.

You say your name’s Paul? I dunno, you seem like more of a Dick to me, I’m just gonna refer to you that way, I could care less what you call yourself.

Manifestly not.

Okay, lets play a game. You think that 2+2=5. You know that’s right. You can feel it in your heart. You grew up in a household where that’s the only thing that was taught. That’s fine, it’s not your fault. But everyone around you says 2+2=4. This obviously goes against everything you’ve ever been taught in your life.

Aaah, and here we finally reach the crux of the problem. You’re mad that what you view as men want to remove that which makes them - to you - superior to women. If it wasn’t so sad and pathetic it would have been hilarious.

Whoa there, tiger. It’s actually really easy. And if you get it wrong, someone will correct you and then you can either respect their preference from then on whether or not you agree with it, or choose to be rude about it. If you make the minimum effort to be respectful of peoples’ identity, you’ll be fine.

I love it when someone deflects from the idiocy of right-wingers and their enablers by language policing people who criticize the unfounded claims, half-truths, and flat out lies of said rightwingers. It lets me know they’re cheerleaders for dictators. 

Well, Rand Paul’s claims (which really just parrot Trump’s accusations) have been discredited by the heads of the DOJ, FBI, NSA, ODNI, not to mention Republicans and Democrats on both the House and Senate intelligence committees, the Speaker of the House, and Rep. Devin Nunes, who initiated this entire “unmasking”

There is no way you can be this stupid. The cost of the signs means NOTHING. It’s a public safety hazard when Stop signs are removed. There is no way you can be this dumb...

If you think this is about stolen property, then you’re the stupidest person alive

The “Space Council” is to determine “the distance a married man must have, between him and another woman not his wife, should they find themselves dining together in a restaurant.”

I like how you have to qualify your “progressive views” with a preemptive accusation of reverse racism.

I don’t think you’re a Racist because you’re from Boston, just an Obnoxious Asshole.

“Look guys, of course being racist is real bad. But you insult Boston, you messed with the wrong town!”

Dude, no one is saying you are racist. It’s also not the same thing as calling a player the N word.

You were doing really, really great until the last sentence.