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    Well ideally protesting only makes me comfortable when the protester is neither seen nor heard. Which renders their protesting ineffective, but my comfort is at stake here.

    Calm down Stephen Miller. You can play with what’s the difference between an ethnic cleansing and a genocide, once you’re done writing your speeches.

    Thinking you’re “woke” makes you blind to a lot of the nastier qualities of yourself.

    So is there a point to this article beyond being The Thick of It-esque petty?

    I think you may be overexaggerating just a bit here. The Daily Show is a comedy, it can’t be beholden to make everything crystal clear for people who think Onion articles are real, especially with a punchline that blindingly obvious.

    He’s never done an honest day’s work in an office let alone outside.

    I still don’t understand why people worship at the alter of this fucking moron.

    Then I guess you won’t mind if the FBI does the same thing to you one day and refuses to elaborate on how they collected their evidence. I mean it’s just malware.

    Yeah people seem to be misunderstanding that no one actually cares about a child pornographer, but if there isn’t a question about how the evidence was collected: it sets a dangerous precedent if the FBI were to turn this technique against someone who isn’t a scumbag.

    I am interested to see the mental gymnastics Pepe worshippers take to A) Complain about when Gizmodo used to be about technology and B) Justifying accusing his predecessor of trying to sabotage.

    In that he’s a failing upward dope? Or are you saying he’s possibly a Neo-Nazi?

    Man, who knew reporting was such slow and tedious work?

    Yes, that was the entire point of my post.

    It’s less that and more not rolling over and playing dead. For a guy who’s made it clear he has no intention of stopping the horrific things he has or will do. Musk doesn’t have to suffer the consequences of Trump policies the same way the rest of us do, and yeah so far protest has been far more effective (see the

    One might even argue that he’s another chickenshit Silicon Valley “thought leader” who’s OK with the rest of the world suffering under Bannon and Trump’s jackboots as long as he keeps the cash flow. Crazy idea though eh?

    The Middle East, POC, and women all count as part of the planet unfortunately. Nor will it mean much if Trump continues to ensure there won’t be a planet for Musk to leave.

    It’s great that Musk is so steadfast in his beliefs.

    Considering how much more time he spends treating the presidency like a high school popularity contest than his job? Probably.

    In before the inevitable comments from the Pepe-worshipping crowd asking either A) What this has to do with technology or B) Why can’t you libtards get over it?

    Calm down Pepe. God forbid people have an opinion.