
Seriously, it’s hilarious. Watching bitcoiners get scammed constantly and slowly realize why banking regulations exist is the most wonderful schadenfreude.

Bitcoiners whining about how they don’t have legal protections when scammed in their gray markets specifically designed to shield them from the “inconveniences” of above-board transactions. Love it. LOVE. IT.

hmm, black market organization is possibly acting underhandedly. who knew something like this was even possible.

Yeah that’s kind of how free market economics and currency works.

Good thing the government is there to do something about it!

Seems like there are a lot of Amazon shills on here, which, I guess, is par for course for Gizmodo comments in the last 2+ years.

Lots of stupid rich people. They’re born that way.

While I sympathize with Brown’s family, he was asking for this to happen. His YouTube videos show a clear disregard for safety and a growing urge to push Autopilot 1 to its limits, getting in WAY too many documented near misses in shorter and short spaces of time. He began to trust it too much, and see “what he could

Done and done. Until republicans are out of power I have no plans to buy anything new from the American economy other than food and undergarments.

In a perfect world that would be awesome. However in the world we live in Trump is going to do what he wants to (is told to do) do regardless of what the people attending these meetings say. But the fact that he is able to point and say “these heads of industry were there with me” gives him a level of credibility that

You’re right about the privilege of living in a city with several transportation options. You’re also right about the technical definition of a boycott—I did my very best to be honest and transparent about that part of the story. You’re slightly off base by implying that Uber has gifted the world an astounding

If the lawyers are smart, they’d make sure the room they were in was a Faraday cage so Trump couldn’t sneak another phone under his gut crease.

Okay so how could he protest in a way that simultaneously got people talking about the issue while also not at all noticing him? Do you listen to your own thoughts before you let them loose on the world, or are you just uninhibited by any sense of fear that people will think you’re a Goddamn moron?

And his supporters don’t care. This is from a friend of a friend on Facebook where I was trying to nicely point out that all her talking points were wrong (that the Paris accords were going to cost us “$100,000,000,000" among other incorrect “facts” from Trump):

“His agenda is so simple and the left just won’t accept

So this is it, huh? This is the beginning of the end of a global super power. We didn’t go down from a nuclear war, disease, financial ruin, or even an asteroid. No... It goes down by voting in a B list celebrity TV star with the temperament of a 5 year old child... While China and Russia start making trade deals, US

Not to sound like a dick, but it’s amusing to me that you’re only just now close to realizing that Blue Lives Matter actually means Black Lives Don’t Matter and not much else.

YEAH! Political/humanitarian crisis in other countries never spill over into other countries’ back yards, so why should we care!

You “fail to see” because you fail at being a decent human being in general, you piece of shit.

Well ya, douche bags that care about nothing but themselves usually don’t.

I take it you are 100% Native American then? If not, then you are showing great disrespect for your immigrant ancestors.