
Has the term “Women these days...” ever been followed by anything remotely astute?

It’s framed as if these discussions are just “differences of opinion” and that we just need to find common ground. Wrong. climate change is REAL. Sorry but it is. No amount of sticking your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALA! will change that. Denying climate change is objectively wrong. There’s no

You want us to turn the other cheek and spout peace and love when other side is preaching violence? Transmisogyny kills people. Racism kills people. Misogyny kills people. It’s fucked up right white people wing people have to be coddled into seeing the rest of the world as well.

Being trans is not a “self-imposed ‘camp’.” Climate change is not a “choice.” Sure, disagreeing with someone about certain specific policy ideas is one thing, but when one group actively denies the existence of another group or tries to use political might to harm a group/the earth, it’s not just people on opposite

I saw the ad. If it was me? I would have left the anti trans bigot at the bar by himself. I am not sitting down and smiling with a guy that thinks I shouldn’t exist. I don’t have to pander to some bigots feelings either.

Stop espousing fascist ideals first.

Welcome to venture capitalism and why their promise of meritocracy is bullshit.

Tell me if this is right please. Since Uber loses 2 billion dollars a year then Travis Kalanick is living a wealthy and extravagant life off off investors’ money? I mean if his company can’t make money his mansion and cars are funded by investment money correct? I don’t understand the whole startup craze with rich

I, for one, can’t wait for a coal powered car. With the self driving technology I don’t have to pull over to shovel more coal into the boiler!

In Briarbart’s defense, if you looked like this how could you NOT believe you were a member of a superior race?

Chemical warfare was largely incompatible with blitzkrieg tactics. It worked in WWI as you had to dislodge enemy trenches, but when you’re rapidly taking territory, waiting for the gas to disperse meant you had a slowed advance.

Fake news. If they didn’t have basketball facilities, then why all the showers?

What is wrong with morons like you? You bought a ticket and a seat and are now being asked to leave for no reason and you think you should just comply because you were told to?

Regardless of whether or not someone complies with the police when they ask them to do something, shouldn’t the police who are sworn to serve and protect the people avoid using violence on those people when it is unwarranted?

Jeez- so next time a person faces terrible customer service and get some rightfully angry, but remains nonviolent, its totally cool for authorities to give them a concussion. Do you really not see the main point?  

Labor forgets its class consciousness sometimes, but capital never does.

This is the same argument for people who argue in favor of management over labor. Theoretically, only a tiny, fraction of a percent of people should be making those arguments, yet, anecdotally, it is an alarmingly large percentage.

This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.

It’s just an alternate photo, I don’t see what the big deal is.

It works in context because the fundamental point is Fury doesn’t quite get that the problem isn’t a riot or a few bad apples, but a fundamental flaw in the system.