
That is a formidable “worst of” list! I know Roseanne is sort of widely considered to be the worst ever, but I give her a bit of a pass because she’s a comedian and nobody who listened to it could really think she was trying. I totally forget about the Carl Lewis anthem. That was awful, too.

I say this as someone who spent decades in athletics and has heard thousands of different renditions of the national anthem: Fergie’s is the worst I’ve ever heard. And it’s not even close.

The National Anthem is a terrible song to sing. It goes low, it goes high, and it’s mostly broken arpeggios.

It was American Idol bad audition montage bad.

I was not aware of Flea doing a bass only rendition. I wouldn’t imagine that would go over well. I *just* watched the Fergie video and ohhhh boy. She reminds me of a friend of mine who is not a professional singer, but verrrrry much thinks she is. She sings in that same kind of dramatic way. So bad.

She ain’t got no friends man! Somebody who heard her rehearsals should have told her STOP!

You have to admire Chen for delivering such a knock-out performance when it may not be enough to put him on the podium. That kind of commitment to form is always a treat to watch.

Bless Zhou’s heart though, his performance had so much grit and when he was so proud of himself at the end I got a wee bit emotional.

I’m pretty sure I remember reading even Rogen criticizing it recently. It was definitely sexist. I feel like I remember him admitting that they were dicks on set, too, but don’t quote me on that.

And Knocked Up WAS kind of sexist! I’m a total Heigl apologist. Life As We Know It is my favorite rom com and she’s a good actress. Spacey got to have a career for years. How “difficult” could she possibly be?

If my calculations are correct, she was single and lonely for approximately 75 years, and somehow her womb is 5000 years old.

The Jennifer Aniston 2004-2014 tabloid storylines truly had a reality warping factor to them, so don’t feel too bad.

I’ve been rewatching the first few seasons of Grey’s, and her character was so good for the first season, and then the writers just ruined it. Her storylines turned into bullshit almost overnight, it’s so strange.

But did they make her sign a “no marrying royalty pledge????”

It really irritates me how the “difficult” reputation follows women around. You know what? Her storyline DID suck on Grey’s.

She and RDJ have talked about it on the Stern show a year or so ago and before. It’s not like this isn’t new stuff coming out.

Ehhh RDJ’s shit has been open and aired for a LONG time now. And I thought SJP’s statement was actually pretty great for some people to hear. I’ve known addicts and have known people who loved addicts. The hardest lesson in the world is accepting that you alone cannot fix them. Sometimes you have to just walk away.

I have a cashier that comments at my grocery store too! I try and avoid his line. But yeah, it’s incredibly rude and you never know what someone’s relationship with food is.

Ugh, that trail mix story. I seriously hate it when people comment on what/how much others are eating, jokingly or not.

To add context, he’s 11 years older than Eggert and 14 years older than Polinsky, there’s no potential grey area for him to hide behind. What they’ve described is classic grooming, and he also created a non-threatening public image that worked in his favor. Chachi was/is a child predator.