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    Ahold = a-holes.  :)

    Really depends where in the state you are. Your reference to Big Y implies you’re in Western MA. Eastern MA has other grocery options, some of which are not half bad.

    Please be my friend forever.

    A+ for the lowkey cat pic link

    Seriously had no idea.  Let’s kick him out of the tribe! 

    Oh, Annie.

    Well that’s disgusting behavior. However... putting on my legal grammarian hat, it’s always “discriminated against her” and never just “discriminated her.”

    We must be about the same age because that describes baby FKA’s tastes quite well.

    Seeing his face unexpectedly is just terrifying. What an ass.

    There is just a certain something that a sibling pair can’t provide, if you know what I mean...

    The thing that amuses me about it is that the two couples ARE TRAINING PARTNERS. The fact that fisticuffs have not ensued is a testament to the sportsmanship of the sport!

    She’s pretty amazing, but I find myself asking: If she’s going to back-load those jumps then do a full 7 in a row, any reason not to go full 1812 Overture? :)

    They are the ultimate Canadian “Will they/won’t they?” sports couple! They’ve been skating together since ages 7 and 9 (20+ years!) and everyone has been asking if they’re involved for foreeeeever. But yes, the chemistry is definitely there.

    That’s the part that gave me heartburn: the components score similarity between Rippon and Kolyada. The world *did not* need another half-baked rock and roll program from a male skater, whereas Adam’s program felt really vibrant, fresh, and authentic.

    Yes, her 3A was mighty af.

    I personally found the nails a bit distracting rather than enhancing but whatever girlfriend wants to do to herself is her business. Still better than my sweet baby Mirai’s thigh banner.

    Had the same thought. P. sure I saw cheek.

    I will take this skate coverage however I can get it — nails, hack job scoring, risqué lifts. Speaking of... a follow-up about Moir and Virtue’s smoking hot tango routine would *not* be amiss. That cunnilingal lift barely looked changed at all! 👀

    Yep, it was a cover of Edith Piaf’s Ne Me Quitte Pas. I think by Celine Dion.