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    I know, crazy right? It shows in their polish and confidence.

    Olympics OT (no spoilers if you’re watching on Pyeongchang time)! Opening question: Can Virtue and Moir be stopped?? I rarely tune in for ice dancing so it’s my first time with them. But god damn, they need to be the sexy villains in some kind of skate movie. Too hot, too perfect. Life’s truly not fair.

    The music industry won’t begin to care about women if nobody actually within that business begins to protest it—and make it a constant distraction, as it was at the Golden Globes.

    Uhh, who?

    I really don’t get this.

    I also think the impatience mounts to move on when an award winner is seated further towards the back and it takes them longer to get to the podium... which is not their fault at all.

    It is true that the Windsor royals have remained rather prim and conservative, and QEII fits that mold to a tee. It’s just too bad that to be society appropriate in Britain = to wear rather lifeless clothes.

    I feel like her style is classy but kinda basic... which probably means she’ll end up with a perfect gorgeous dress for her royal wedding, then spend the rest of her life stepping out in chic but boring outfits, a la Kate.

    Then Republicans ought to have finally stood up to Donnie and the kleptocratic donor set. Allowing this to happen through cowardice and to keep the light of Trump’s and donors’ love shining on them is still selling the Internet (and the rest of us) out. You are wrong.

    Yesss, this idea!

    Lilith Fair is such a different thing... women creating a festival for (mainly) women by women, where artists were specifically choosing to jump on board and be a part of that mission. This thing is a popular annual festival that it appears the artist signed up to play without understanding that this year’s

    Bummer. This was exactly what I was worried about with this film. I’d love to revisit Tonya’s story, but the joke can’t be on her for being poor and rough around the edges.

    If Lee’s videos featured any type of critical, non-elective care, I would be in this camp with you. I don’t think offering low-cost organ transplants in exchange for being featured on social media, for example, should ever be the concept of an account. But the treatments Lee films don’t tend to be ones that “people

    I agree. Obviously, everyone has their preferences on doctor demeanor, but I would have been grateful in many medical situations in my life to have had a doctor with her gentle, caring, chatty approach to patient talk rather than some of the paternalistic, condescending, cold, jerk doctors I’ve seen.

    As someone who has watched a goodly number of Lee’s Instagram videos, I disagree that they’re always “all about the pop” as the article contends. She excises a goodly number of cysts, etc., intact and will cut into them later, outside the body, to show an interested patient what was inside (surprise! dead, wet skin

    That would make some sense. Plus, it’s easy to get too comfortable when you’ve seen and done it all before. Hope she gets back on her game soon.

    I’m way late to SNS but so appreciate your FS thread! Forgot to keep an eye on Skate America and disappointed (but not totally surprised, I guess?) at the ladies’ day 1 results. Karen Chen does not seem like the confident type, but what’s up with Wagner? Can any of our ladies get and keep it together in time for

    “Do you have any idea how wrong your statement above is?” 

    Yeah, no. We’re not gonna judge victims and put the burden on women to end serial abuses perpetrated by men. You know who shoulda stepped up? All the 🖕🏻🖕🏻s who knew what was going on (from DAs to private lawyers to co-execs and business associates) and had the power to stop it but failed to do a damn thing

    Somehow, I am not sad for J.Crew. That’s kind of what you deserve when you brand yourself for the few (i.e., wealthy, preppy, ‘straight’ sized), but try to market to the many, while simultaneously treating anyone not dressed like they’ve jetted in from the Hamptons like a lesser-than in your stores. BYE BYE.