What is their damage? Did they eat a brain tumor for breakfast?
What is their damage? Did they eat a brain tumor for breakfast?
Yeah, no. Hard pass.
Like this new threesome looks like the kids you’d hang with to get the best commentary and takedowns on the rest of the school
But it doesn’t quite click they’d be the ubershits that everyone else was afraid of, and aspired to be socially?
That said, I’m not in highschool anymore, maybe this is how it is now.
I’m sorry; I can’t get on board. The original Heathers was perfect. No one asked for this bullshit.
I feel kind of weird that the POC/queer/curvy (?!) bullies are picking on a conventionally attractive white girl who teams up with a conventionally attractive white dude to kill them....
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I hate when people remake something that does not need to be remade. The first Heather’s was very very.
I’m not convinced she’s pregnant either but I can’t figure out if she’s faking it or if she believes she is pregnant but she’s not. I think she’s a bit young for menopause but finding out she’s not only not pregnant, but also no longer able to be pregnant, while Dany IS pregnant, might put her over the edge.
She’s def not pregnant. I think Jamie is riding north to tell Jon and Dany that they’re not actually going to send men because he’s honorable but won’t disobey a direct order from Cersei, and while he’s in winterfell Bran is going to go all deadpan raven and drop some knowledge.
I think that was more about Theon being able to be a Stark AND a Greyjoy. Like, you can be honorable AND beat someone to death on a beach. Which will set up Jon figuring out how to accept being a Stark AND a Targaryan next season. I’m just glad he’s going back for Yara.
Maybe I’m alone but Theon’s “beat me like a punching bag” beach fight just seemed sad. All the important people are handling dragon fire, insane siblings with undead murderslaves, and an army set to extinguish all life, and I’m supposed to cheer because Theon finally stood up to a bully? Eh.
I think the GOT death rule is that nobody’s dead until you see them die, and even not then. Light a candle for my ginger prince, tho. He needs to make those giant babies with Brienne!
It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.
So how long before he appears in court wearing glasses and a preppy haircut while his lawyers talks about childish mistakes, poor upbringing, and not wanting to ruin a young life, leading to a most likely White jury clearing him of charges?
She could star as a young M in a series of MI-6 prequels. Your welcome, Hollywood.
I don’t care if Bond is white or black, man or woman, Bond is British. Bond is ideally English, but obviously the Scots have had their shot. The Welsh can have a Bond if they absolutely need one. But Bond is not Israeli. Bond is also not Afrikaner, which disqualifies Charlize Theron.
Just for clarification, her Game of Thrones grandmother was a Bond wife.
I’m sorry, Ms. Godot, no disrespect intended but if they go with a woman Bond it has to be Natalie Dormer.