Team RPatz. These are people who have gone out of their way for years to make his life incredibly difficult. They spew racist hate at his girlfriend* constantly and there is just no way that doesn’t take a toll on his relationship.
Team RPatz. These are people who have gone out of their way for years to make his life incredibly difficult. They spew racist hate at his girlfriend* constantly and there is just no way that doesn’t take a toll on his relationship.
People who are obsessed with Twilight are crazies? You don’t say...
From what he’s saying, he’s had to structure his whole life, even his relationships, around avoiding invasive stalkers who follow his every move. He did his job well and moved on (like the most of the rest of the world) but he still has to look over his shoulder, for who knows how long. Maybe forever? That sucks.
I saw a Kristen Stewart/Rob Pattinson Tumblr how they’re secretly married and have a kid and them dating other people is just a pr stunt and it was the most batshit crazy thing I’ve ever seen.
It’s more likely that Trump still has this weird obsession with Obama and is undoing anything Obama did because Black guy made joke at his expense years ago.
*Scans list*
Fuck John McCain.
He could have voted no by staying home. He’s coming back to vote yes.
Senator McCain, now is your time to shine.
A very good online friend had cancer and we all knew she would not make it to season 3. Some other friends in show biz contacted the show and told them what was happening and asked for some help so she could see what happened. A VP from Sony showed up at her hospice with season 3 in hand and 3 days before she died,…
Droughtlander, indeed. Come on already!
I’m so excited for this season. Hopefully, Brienne isn’t as annoying this season as she was last season. I also hope for some super passionate love scenes again.
I am obsessed (OBSESSED), but zero people in my circle are even willing to read the books. I am on my second read through of the series (middle of Fiery Cross) and I am so happy posts like this connect me to other fans!
I am so excited for this season! I’ll have my wine and tears ready!
Spicer struck me as someone who was guilted into the job by Preibus (“we need experienced people to help!” “do it for your country!”) and was burdened by the job. The other fucks are true believers.
For a guy who talked so much about “draining the swamp”, Trump seems to really love these Wall Street elite types...
You guys, when he took the podium today he asked everyone to congratulate Sarah Huckafuck Sanders for becoming the new press secretary and literally three people clapped and they were all trump staff. I will take whatever I can get at this point.
But does he want to hold the president’s HAND?
Are we really surprised? Who DIDN’T know this would happen? That man and his co conspirators will never, ever serve a day. And there will be no impeachment proceedings unless the GOP stops circlejerking.