
While I fully applaud slamming the proverbial door on Orange Fruitcake’s visit attempt, I’m a little sad we won’t get to witness:

Porque no los dos?

I mean, come on.

If men faced harassment for buying viagra you could be damn sure this kind of shit would be illegal already.

Some of them are affiliated with local church groups, as Gothamist writes, including Church at the Rock in Brooklyn, Grace Baptist Church in Woodlawn, and Bright Dawn Ministries in Brooklyn.

Kimmy doesn’t want to drop out though. Michael is a dick when he finds out she’d rather finish college.

Cameron Diaz annoyed the shit out of me in this movie. Because I could relate to the batshittery of JR character, I was rooting for her and her hair.

This is someone who’s had far more creative control over adaptions than practically any author in living memory and when questioned on Depp’s casting she just talked about how he was perfect for the role, which suggests she had at least some say in the decision.

The fucking British Royalty has been known to travel commercial when they’re not working, ffs. But no, he’s bigger than Prince William? Sure.

I’ve always thought I could run a business in Hollywood with a camper full of clothes from Old Navy where I could make stars look like normal people so that no one notices them.

The hell of it is, if he took off the fucking eyeliner and wore a little less jewelry...maybe threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a hat...he probably wouldn’t even be recognized on a commercial flight. His “persona” has sort of given him a built in out to be able to dress down and not be recognized.

Wanna bet that “hazard information” has something to do with her mental health issues?

Sounds like they don’t know yet, so they invented a code phrase in “hazard information” to cover their asses while they get their story straight.

I served on 3 juries and the level of crazy inside a jury room is astounding. In one, a law student proceeded to retry the whole case, pointing out all of what she thought were errors made with evidence. Was she right or wrong? No one knew, and no one knew whether to ask the judge if this was allowed. (I sure

Kamala Harris is the only Senator on the judiciary committee who’s an actual prosecutor. This seems to especially bother John McCain (who’s been sitting in and interrupting her despite NOT being a member of the committee).

I’ve had discussions where individuals try to dismiss the use of the word as “non-gendered” because the word does legitimately describe a specific psychological state of extreme emotionality that is applicable to both men and women.

There are high school students for whom applying to community college is practically impossible.

Regardless, community college doesn’t have to be the dead end you’re making it out to be. My dad taught at a CC for 40 years and his students now work at places like Jet Propulsion Lab and Lockheed Martin. Sometimes it just takes one teacher pushing you forward...

This. It takes effort to do what they did, especially with so many saying they will fail.

Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.