
Indoor smoking at an event means you’re dosing people with toxic chemicals without their consent. Smokers might accept the health risk, but non smokers didn’t sign up for that shit. It’s incredibly self centred behaviour which is par for the course for smokers and celebrities.

THANK YOU. Smoking is disgusting enough without damaging precious works of art or exposing innocent people to cigarette smoke. These fuckers could not be any trashier if they tried.

Two Corinthians, one cup.

I used to smoke. I never in my life smoked indoors or around others who weren’t also smoking. Being a smoker doesn’t mean you get to be an asshole.

I don’t even like being stuck in traffic or at a light in the vicinity of someone smoking. I don’t like when my coworkers come in from a smoke break and waft nicotine clouds down the aisle. I know it’s your life, but could you do it less grossly?

I’m just honestly surprised they haven’t all transitioned to vaping. I can’t imagine walking around smelling like cigarette smoke all the time. Yuck.

This proves everything I suspected about celebrities named that I do not like, and makes me like Rami Malek less

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

You and your mom are collaborating on a book now, I hope.

The actor is obviously Jeff Goldblum

Trump’s tax returns probably won’t show income or loans from Russia; it’s dirty money in cash or laundered through the Bank of Cyprus. This will take sophisticated forensic accounting. Meanwhile cherchez la fille: Ivanka is most likely the family bag man.

God I hope Dems take the house in 2018 so that these demands can have a little more teeth. Paul Ryan and the GOP “leadership” will block any and all attempts to actually hold Donald accountable.

Please read your own comment and tell me who started “attacking” whom.

You left me 3 different replies in quick succession. Looks like spam to me!

Yeah buddy! That’s the important part of this article about an alleged sexual predator/abuser; my god these terms are scary!

How is the weather back in 1881? Correct pronouns are not a privilege to be revoked if someone steps out of line, commits a crime, etc. Just use the right fucking pronouns and stop whining about it. Singular “they” has been in use in the English language for ages and is widely considered correct, anyhow:

Many assault victims are understandably not comfortable contacting police and would prefer a speaking with a social worker, counselor, advocate, etc.

Why? You already have that covered.

I think he would have. She also CONSTANTLY accuses him and members of the media of being mean to her when they’re doing their jobs as journalists, and she had just done that again. She’s like the Christian who thinks she’s being discriminated again because someone said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. So no,