The last meal descriptions always depress me the most. Here, have some strawberry cake, I made your favorite because we are killing you tonight.
The last meal descriptions always depress me the most. Here, have some strawberry cake, I made your favorite because we are killing you tonight.
It’s amazing the efforts these states will go through just so that they can conveniently kill people. Would it be the worst thing in the world if these inmates didn’t die? Is it really worth it to RUSH to fucking kill these people.
Imagine being so excited for people to die that you schedule 8 of them to be executed over a short period of time. Just imagine it.
For one, Jamie beats Claire and she immediately forgives him for it and they carry on like normal. There are a lot of other issues with rape and racist depictions of minorities (mostly in the books, I don’t remember anything specific in the show yet).
The treatment of indigenous, Black, and the one token Chinese character ranges from superficial to super-offensive (I remember the Chinese character in particular sounding like a walking caricature from the 1800s).
Yeah - the books especially struck me as racist :/ I mean, I can contextualize the sexism because history and because it privileges a critical modern woman’s take and negotiation with it. The treatment of indigenous, Black, and the one token Chinese character ranges from superficial to super-offensive (I remember…
*acknowleges this show is problematic AF*
I never understood the hate on this show due to people were conflating Lena Dunham with a character she created. I remember when 30 Rock came out, and a Slate critic said that Tina Fey hasn’t been single since the Clinton administration so therefore she wouldn’t know how to write dialogue for Liz Lemon.
The biggest problem with vaping is that for every one person who is respectable about it as you are there are at least a dozen doing their best dragon impressions and blowing the biggest damn clouds of vapor possible right in the middle of public places. I couldn’t care less if you (general you) want to smoke or vape…
The guy I used to date was hella cool until he started vaping, then he instantly turned into a douchebro who’d blow clouds at strangers in public and insist he has the right to vape indoors and in any public space.
Some sailors have to leave their men, too.
No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.
1. Don’t break the law
2. Search deep into their past about something bad they did.
3. Check their facebook for evidence of smoking weed, having a gun, or making a gun with their fingers.
4. Ask to see earlier footage because this person must have done SOMETHING to deserve this.
5. Talk about every plausible scenario…
Are American cops descended from the ways of the Samurai? I was unaware that when officers are challenged to a fight, by law and by honor, they must oblige.
“Wait, are you going to beat me up for jay-walking”
People wonder why we have issues with the police, but fail to see that we can get beaten for “illegally” crossing the fucking street. “Beaten” doesn’t even describe half of it—abused, brutalized, criminalized, and dehumanized, with what little sense of security we can scrape together torn from us.
A disturbing Business Insider report yesterday said that writers at Breitbart have been asked by managers to…