
The Carrie Fischer quote to close tipped me right over into bawling my eyes out territory.

Watched it again still hoping it ended with “and that’s why I’m officially running for President in 2020.”

I’ve always liked Meryl and thought she was an incredible actress. I didn’t jump on the bandwagon until tonight. I was so glad she used her privilege, forum, and position to speak so articulately, measured, and honestly. I hope many more do and learn from her. Brava, Meryl. Brava.

She is not only our greatest actor, she is also our national conscience. It’s a lot of hats to wear, but she pulls it off.

I LOVE HER. And this photo is kind of turning me on.

Let’s not forget Caitriona Balfe! Love how different the dress is and how she kept it simple with the makeup and accessories!

My winner.

Can we talk about how Siriano is slaying it when it comes to curvy diva dresses?! I need one in my life.

Lilly Collins = Best Dressed of the Night

That’s a good plan. I also plan to cut back this year. I smoke when I drink, too, which is super unhealthy, as well. My plan is to just drink on the weekends, or if I go out on a date. We’ll see if I stick to that. If anything, I just need to stop getting drunk every time I drink. A nice buzz is nice; I don’t need to

I found my dream midcentury modern sofa and it is now mine. I’m so goddamn stoked.

Took my kids to their first movie today (not the flesh eating mermaids one) and they loved it! Now I can cultivate them to go see movies with me that their dad won’t. My mom gave zero fucks and took me to whatever she wanted to see, which is why the first movie I saw was Octopussy.

So, I auditioned for Jeopardy back in June and this week they gave me a call. I’m flying to CA in a few weeks to tape! Really excited but also quite nervous...

Had a busy day - took the car for a service appointment, went on a bike ride for the first time in probably a decade, and also groomed the shit out of Amy.

The first time I paid my own dental bill. FUCKING FILLINGS ARE EXPENSIVE.

If a surgery has a higher chance of fatality than leaving the problem alone, doctors will refuse to operate. And no, most prisons do not have surgical units.

The swastika on the forehead is a little much even for them. Swastika tattoos must be in a concealable location, like the chest, neck (now hidden by 2nd chin) or buttcheek.

What, he’s not going to be part of PEOTUS’ cabinet? He’s a perfect fit.

Picture it: Hulu, 2017.

I mean, presumably the cable read: “On January 21st, all ambassadors will be formally recalled. Make plans accordingly.”